Early in his career he designed sets for the Pee Wee's Playhouse TV show. I have a toy Pee Wee's Playhouse, so I suppose I can say I've got a piece of this guy's work.
He makes wonderful, whimsical sculptures from found objects. You know how hoarders are always thinking they will make something artistic from some driftwood and a can? He actually does it. I couldn't find a picture of one of those, but here are some others.

(Love the cat!)

But he's most famous for his word paintings. He buys framed art at thrift shops and paints onto them. His work pokes fun at itself and other art that takes itself too seriously.

This one says Heinies and Shooters w/ Hotties at Hooters.

This one says something about Donald Judd (an artist). Note how Wayne added the water with the reflection in front of the letters.

This is a self portrait of the artist.
What fascinates me about getting to know about someone like Wayne White is the realization that for some people, art is a lifestyle; they are constantly creating. I learned a lot about painting that will help my own hobby painting because he doesn't just walk up to a canvas and start slapping on paint - there is pre-planning and talent involved. I may have some little shred of talent, but now I know it's okay to expend some effort to bring it out.
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Wayne White