Aaron Coutu


Aaron Coutu
Pascoag, RI
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Stories From My Real Life

Cities & Towns > Weather > Surviving Irene

Surviving Irene

Well, hello strangers! I wanted to make sure that you all knew that Irene didn't blow me and Ray off the planet. In fact, she sorta blew herself out, at least when it comes to Rhode Island. We had pretty minimal rain and gusts of wind that were not too bad. Even the storm surge was milder than expected.

The result is that we lost two pretty good sized limbs off of one of the trees in our yard. They made a pretty good SNAP and CRACK when they went, but that was not so bad, considering. Ironically, it was off the tree that we have dubbed "The Tree We Can't Kill." We have tried to cut back the tree numberous times, even stunting its trunk at one point, only to find it growing back with ease. We assume she'll recover from this shock with just as much ease, taunting us with her attraction to ants.

The worst of the situation was the electric power problem. Irene did something interesting she came through. There seems to be some debate as to the reasons, but she pretty much took out the whole statewide power grid. I have heard that it might be due to the fact that the regions nuclear power plants were taken off the grid to prepare for the hurricane, and the strain of the air conditioners and other use were too much as the storm really kicked in. it forced the feeder lines to the state to fail, blowing out at least 20 substations sprinkled throughout the state.

We lost power a little after 8am on Sunday, which was actually before the worst of the storm, which was only a tropical storm when it hit, rolled into the area. Some parts of the state were lucky enough to recover within hours, but they proved to be the exception. The Providence Journal had a big banner headline on the topic. It awas accompanied with this graphic:

In case you are wondering, my town is Burrillville (top left), and I work in Cumberland (top right).

Ray and I got practice at living without power for two days. I couldn't go to work because the library had no power. He was supposed to start work tomorrow, the original first day of school, but that has been pushed off now, until September 6.

I actually did a lot of reading ... I finished 4 books. I will have to catch up reviewing those in my old blog. Hopefully, that will get done tomorrow. Each night, we used the remaining battery in my laptop to watch a DVD. it worked out pretty nicely. It was definitely life with a slower pace.

The Providence Journal is reporting that only 28% of the state is still without power as of now (dinnertime on Tuesday).

So, overall, we fared pretty well. I know I can't complain too badly. We could have made out a lot worse. I will have to wait until tomorrow morning to hear if the library is still without power. At least, that will be a lot easier with electricity.

posted on Aug 30, 2011 5:42 PM ()


Irene missed us but I worried about you and Fredo. Hurricanes and Tropical storms like Irene can be devastating. The loss of power in your state is curious.
comment by dragonflyby on Sept 3, 2011 9:21 AM ()
There have been a lot of calls for an investigation as to whether the primary power company in the state had completed proper preparations before and immediately after the storm.
On the bright side, things could have been a lot worse.
reply by trekbrarian on Sept 3, 2011 11:54 AM ()
wonderful that you escaped without more damage. Being without power is
truly awful since you can't read at night very well by lamp light.
comment by elderjane on Aug 31, 2011 9:11 AM ()
Ray was laughing at me as I was holding a candle next to the book so I could read.
I do feel really lucky in the long run, though.
reply by trekbrarian on Aug 31, 2011 4:10 PM ()
comment by jondude on Aug 30, 2011 7:11 PM ()
That sums it up perfectly!
reply by trekbrarian on Aug 31, 2011 4:09 PM ()
I will not touch that first line--I will not--I will not!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 30, 2011 6:11 PM ()
Fight the power! You can do it!
reply by trekbrarian on Aug 30, 2011 6:57 PM ()
It sounds like you had just enough excitement to make it worth while - you qualify for the "I Survived It" tee shirt. After all the buildup, it'd be a let-down to just sail through with no events at all. Two days in the dark was probably just about right, though, and if it was me there, I'd have cabin fever and be pining to get out to the mall.

I didn't realize that is the shape of Rhode Island, and I'm pleased to see where you live and work, much easier to picture your commute now.
comment by troutbend on Aug 30, 2011 5:56 PM ()
I am willing to take this. It was an experience, but one that was not tragic. I am good.
I am glad to share the map. Most people don't know much about RI geography. We are so small that you can barely see it on a whole national map.
reply by trekbrarian on Aug 30, 2011 6:09 PM ()

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