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Politics & Legal > Stupid Motorist Law

Stupid Motorist Law

The “Stupid Motorist Law”, which corresponds to section 28-910 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, states that any motorist who becomes stranded after driving around barricades to enter a flooded stretch of roadway may be charged for the cost of his/her rescue.

If public emergency services (such as a fire department, or paramedics) are called to rescue the motorist and tow the vehicle out of danger, the cost of those services can be billed to the motorist, plus additional liability of up to $2,000.

The flash flooding scenario seems a bit narrow. Motorists do stupid things all the time, not just in high water situations, and what about Stupid Hiker Law and Stupid Back Country Skier Law? And Stupid Twenty-Something Driver Law?

posted on Aug 13, 2013 9:22 PM ()


pay that joke
comment by kevinshere on Aug 28, 2013 9:22 PM ()
those idiots that try to drive across flooded fords and get stuck should pay to get out when stuck , others can lose their lives trying to save them
comment by kevinshere on Aug 15, 2013 9:24 PM ()
Have you heard this joke? "This guy on horseback almost drowned in a mud puddle. When he was asked why he went ahead and rode into it, he said there was a duck ahead of him that made it across no problem, and its legs were much shorter than the horse's."
reply by traveltales on Aug 28, 2013 9:04 PM ()
I could never understand why stupid people were not charged the cost of rescues when they got lost in the mountains during winter snowstorms. It was always happening in California when I lived there. Some searches cost millions in tax money.
comment by jondude on Aug 15, 2013 12:58 PM ()
A lot of the rescuer groups around here are volunteers so they don't charge. Here is a web page recounting examples of endangered people refusing Search And Rescue help, waiting to call for help, or hiding from help because of fear of large bill: The people who put this together claim the media has over-stated the costs of rescue, and led the public to believe they will be billed, so they get into even more dangerous situations for the rescuers to deal with.
reply by traveltales on Aug 28, 2013 9:16 PM ()
I have no problem with charging costs to rescue idiots who drive around warning/stop barricades and subsequently require rescue. That is, if they live through it. But I can see distinguishing that sort of idiocy from the inept hiker who hasn't ignored "DON'T GO" signs, just has become stuck or lost.
comment by steeve on Aug 14, 2013 11:01 AM ()
This Arizona law seems so specific to flash flooding, they must have a lot of these events in Arizona.
reply by traveltales on Aug 28, 2013 9:05 PM ()
Just pulled over we do here and have no problem with it..If they do stupid t hings then give up the permit to drive.Just get out of the way.
comment by fredo on Aug 14, 2013 8:06 AM ()
I wonder how many other states have similar laws.
reply by traveltales on Aug 28, 2013 9:04 PM ()
I would hate to get into trouble and be charged a lot of money to get out
of it but I would hope I would have sense enough to not drive in high
water but I am not immune to stupid and impulsive behavior.
comment by elderjane on Aug 14, 2013 4:45 AM ()
I'm sure it's tempting to forge through and get home.
reply by traveltales on Aug 28, 2013 9:14 PM ()

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