There is a news item in Denver about how the city sewage treatment people consider cooking grease poured down the drain as the biggest problem keeping the sewage flowing well, but lately a new problem has come along, and it's their fastest-growing problem: wet wipes that people flush down the toilet.
They do not dissolve and eventually clog up pumps at the City’s pumping station. New mothers are dumping more into the system, and the elderly senior homes are using them more and just flushing them down the toilet and that’s causing a lot of problems.
Every month or so, the wastewater people are forced to put on hazardous materials suits, climb down 30 to 50 feet inside a narrow tunnel to reach the pumps and clean out the wet wipes.
The wipes get into the wells and they clog together, and it’s too much for the pump system. One of the workers says, “We have to physically go down there and collect all the wipes and bring them up and get rid of them through the trash system."
I don't use those wipes, but I see online that many of the manufacturers claim they are flushable. I don't believe them after reading this. Maybe that's the name-brand ones, and the nursing homes probably buy the cheapest generic they can find.