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News from Congress

We've all wished that members of Congress would have to experience the same healthcare insurance situation as the rest of us, and looks like they are intended to, but as usual, it's not all that simple, and they will no doubt write some laws to worm out of it.

"To Sen. Dean Heller, the Affordable Care Act is to be scorned. So, if everyday citizens must comply with the new health care law, he believes everyone in Congress and policymakers should have a taste of the same medical plans.

Consequently, the Nevada Republican was not happy when the government’s human resources agency set out an interpretation a few weeks ago that lawmakers and only certain Capitol Hill staffers must enroll for insurance that will be offered by health exchanges set up by the law.

“This is a missed opportunity for the Office of Personnel Management to ensure that all congressional staff play by the same rules as the American taxpayer,” Heller said in a letter to the agency’s acting director, Elaine Kaplan, on Wednesday.

Interpreting a part of the law that was inserted by Republicans, the management office’s new regulation sets out that lawmakers must enroll in what has become better known as “Obamacare,” as well as aides who work on their personal staffs.

The management office directive does not appear to cover staff members who work for House and Senate committees, and those who are employed in leadership offices, such as some who work for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. They could continue to be enrolled for federal employee insurance.

About 11,400 personal staff aides work on Capitol Hill, according to Vital Statistics on Congress. About 2,200 work for committees, and another 400 are employed in leadership offices.

Heller is the sole co-sponsor of a bill introduced in May by Sen. David Vitter, R-La., that would explicitly extend Obamacare to all congressional staffers, the president, vice president and executive branch political appointees. There has been no action on the bill.

Heller called on management office to revise its rules.

“By no means should those who wrote this massive health care law be exempt from health care exchanges,” he told Kaplan. “If every American must be subject to Obamacare, then all members of Congress and their staff, you and all political appointees, must be included in this onerous mandate as well.”

posted on Sept 2, 2013 11:14 AM ()


American health care would have to be amongst the worst in the world among the financial countries
comment by kevinshere on Sept 3, 2013 2:48 AM ()
If you can't afford health care, it might as well be non-existent.
reply by nittineedles on Sept 3, 2013 2:45 PM ()
Sure like Congress will take a pay cut during bad times or will WORK 11 months a yera or give up their pensions, etc., etc
comment by greatmartin on Sept 2, 2013 12:42 PM ()
Congress will vote a pay raise to cover the cost of their premiums.
reply by troutbend on Sept 3, 2013 7:16 PM ()

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