My part of the Big Thompson River with snow and ice. There are coyote tracks in the snow.
It's very windy today and sometimes there are flurries of blowing snow.
Someone on facebook for some reason linked my name to this image:
Don't forget it's Martin's birthday.
posted on Feb 29, 2012 12:28 PM ()
Hmmm. Four years until the next birthday buildup. Glad it was a good one, Martin.
Laura Thank you
I guess if you only h ave a birthday every four years, you are entitled to go on and on about it.
how can we forget.We have been haunted for the last two months.Now do we get back to normal.Let me see mine is coming soon. But not as flashy as he.I wished him his birthday greetings and do not want to wear it out. But I loved that cake there.Yummmy.