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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Boring > Medical Quagmire

Medical Quagmire

I thought I had thrush, but it was very resistant to all thrush meds. I finally saw my internist when I asked for a refill on my meds. "Stop the meds and see me." He said he was an expert on thrush and he said I didn't have it and said I should stop taking all vitamins and supplements and re-introduce them one at a time to see which one was causing my troubled mouth -- oily. So, I thought, what is the one thing I am taking that I never took before? A prescription iron capsule from the cancer specialist I saw during the search for a cause of my anemia. Some side effects that were obvious (too gross to write about here) that I was told were common with this pill and I was told not to worry. So, I have stopped the iron, and also calcium, C, D, E, flaxseed, pine bark and C ribose. Don't ask me what they all do. I knew when I started and have forgotten. I have continued turmeric since it is an anticoagulant and is better for me than baby aspirin which produces enormous bruises and terrifies me because that's where blood clots come from. I also have continued magnesium since it is a regulatory aid that has solved all digestive glitches. And I have continued hyaluronic acid tablets that take 10 years off my face and my friends who take it report the same.

Sol, our dear friend who is thrilled to have achieved her R.N. degree and is now working in a Naples hospital, scolded me for picking and choosing what to stop and I told her I knew myself better than he did and historical experience with doctors has taught me when to resist. So we had one of our very few fights and then made up, hugs and kisses and apologies.

I also micromanaged my late husband's overdosing on senior meds and got him off stuff he didn't need any more. I won all fights with the hospital. They learned to fear me and I became a legend after I got Jay home with nurses rather than warehousing him in a nursing home. There was a time when just mentioning my name at the Linsky bldg. at Beth Israel in New York would send the social workers running for cover. I was known for tutoring family members of other severely compromised patients on how to get them home. FYI, the social workers are trained to resist home care because it is more expensive for the insurance companies.

As for medical imperatives (don't get me started on the one size fits all colonoscopy prep) when I was recently hospitalized with a high fever and severe chills, they wouldn't cover me up saying it would interfere with getting rid of the fever. So I was allowed to shiver myself into oblivion. This onset was so bad that I didn't think I could handle it at home so I had to endure their solution. One thing that has never failed me in such situations is a hot bath but the night I got sick we had a hot water heater glitch. Later when I saw the nurse practitioner, she agreed with me. I wish they'd all get on the same page. Anyway, it's good I went in because I needed the antibiotics.

xx, Teal

posted on Mar 12, 2019 11:02 AM ()


I was thinking about dong a blog on yesterday's API but now I'm having second thoughts. All this medical stuff gets depressing.
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 13, 2019 12:25 PM ()
I admire your wisdom in selecting what to take. I have some of the h. acid and I will start taking it right now.
comment by elderjane on Mar 13, 2019 8:01 AM ()
We all treat ourselves to some degree, so doctors had better listen to what we're saying.
My thought is that the "weather" in your mouth is an expression of your body's chemistry, and yours seems to have changed since your colonoscopy.

Vitamins and supplements are hard to keep balanced, sometimes. When I was taking acid reducers it deprived me of B vitamins so I had to take lots of extra. I'd told my sister that almost any kind of toothpaste made my mouth and gums burn. She said that was a sign of vitamin B deficiency.
comment by drmaus on Mar 12, 2019 3:12 PM ()
Despite what I think I know, I am taking my doctor's advice and have stopped everything but my synthroid for hypothyroid, the baclofen for my back spasms (if I come off it, I collapse), and magnesium for regularity.I am doing this just to shut him up. He said 3 weeks -- I am counting the days. We'll see.
reply by tealstar on Apr 9, 2019 3:41 PM ()
My dear friend, June, who taught nursing in college always said, "Medicine will kill you." I sometimes think she was right.
reply by elderjane on Mar 13, 2019 7:59 AM ()

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