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Teal's Modest Adventures

Computing & Technology > Hacked


My Facebook page was compromised. I couldn’t sign on. Was urged to change my password. My former password was not accepted. My birth date was “wrong”. I tried several times. I was looped back to the beginning. I spent hours on this. I gave up and opened a new account. Some of you know this.

Today I got an e mail from Facebook telling me that a friend reported someone pretending to be me. They will let me know what they find. Then I thought I would sign in to Facebook, put my name in the search box and see how many profiles came up. Facebook wanted confirmation of my identity and asked for my driver’s license. I have to take a photo and send it. Normally my friend helps me with stuff like this, but we are isolating. Ed gave me a good suggestion and as soon as my phone is charged, I’ll do it. He said to take the picture, send it to myself, and upload it from my received e mail.

Meanwhile, Apple also asked me for a confirmation of my identity. My phone wouldn’t accept what I thought was my password. I thought I had a file in my Word documents named Apple with all kinds of information. My documents don’t have it.

I am receiving e mails from stores I deal with telling me “your password has been successfully changed”. I am contacting them and asking them to cancel the accounts. You shop somewhere and immediately they marry you. Zero interest in marrying stores.

Someone has made me their pet project. Ed surmised that perhaps it is because they don’t like my political opinions. I am surprised my blog hasn’t been affected and that may be because we don't use our names on this site. The age of technology will do me in.

xx, Teal

posted on Apr 13, 2020 6:58 AM ()


This sounds more like identify theft than a fb hack. It may be too late, but go immediately to the three credit bureaus and freeze your accounts. I did it years ago, it's not difficult and it's free.

Chase notifies me almost immediately when a charge is authorized on my account but if you don't have that set on your cards call the companies and follow their recommendation.

Do act quickly!
comment by jjoohhnn on Apr 13, 2020 10:01 AM ()
this was a global hack targeting my full name, that is not on all my sites. They hijacked my e mail and sent spam from it and my co. blocked access. I got on the phone with them and answered all the code questions and got access again. I only use one credit card on line and it has changed four times in the last 2 years. It wasn't an i.d. theft, it was a punitive mess her up effort because I am politically active. They didn't block me from this site, because our names are not on it.
reply by tealstar on Apr 21, 2020 5:45 PM ()
This is so aggravating and so hard to fight.It takes up so much time.
comment by elderjane on Apr 13, 2020 8:59 AM ()

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