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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Relationships > Fishing and Whatnot

Fishing and Whatnot

Sol’s good friend Kathy came over this afternoon. The plan was to fish! Sol had gone to the bait shop (yes, we have those) and bought what was needed but they needed “a line” – turns out they needed a rope, so I found them some twine. It is for tying to the bucket handle so the caught fish can be kept under water. They needed work gloves. I looked in the utility closet and lo and behold there were several pairs I didn’t even know about.They needed those in case they caught a (shudder) catfish. Apparently if you want to throw a catfish back (which they would want to do) it can wrap itself around your wrist and sting you and that definitely means a visit to the emergency room. Fishing, I said, sounds dangerous.

In any case, if any of you are interested, you are welcome to visit and fish in the bay, which is a back bay of Charlotte Harbor on the Gulf Coast. It is one of the most celebrated fishing areas in the country. Sol and Kathy looked so cute with their shorts and white shirts and sun hats. Off they went, which is to say outside the pool door, across the lawn and onto the seawall. I can see them from the family room if I care to watch, but my plan is to work at the piano. My idea of fishing and, forgive me if I repeat myself, is to ask the counter guy to “please fillet that.” As they talked, I called out “you realize you are planning murder,” and their heartless response was to laugh.

My back after injections from the pain doctor is 10 times worse. After almost two weeks, the spasms are beginning to subside. I’ll have to tell him the latest “cocktail” isn’t working. Also, he is going to only work out of the Fort Myers office and that means Ed has to drive me because I am reluctant to drive on my own to Fort Myers any more. I’ve done it. I have navigated everything. I have found my way back, I have managed to pay the toll on the bridge that spans the enormous Calusahatchee, but sometimes have to open the door because my arms aren’t long enough. But I don’t want to do it anymore. Ed was supposed to take me for my annual mammogram to Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, but his back is also really bad so I have had to change the appointment. Third postponement. Maybe, now that Tampa has done the heavy lifting, I can switch for the mammogram to the radiology lab in Cape Coral. I can get there and back on my own. Nathan’s is near there so I can pick up hot dogs. Sounds like a plan.

Seems it is too hot to fish and they aren’t biting, so Sol and Kathy are going to St. James City (on Pine Island, next island over) to check out a guy who is a possible date. I wished them well.

Update on my daughter. We are definitely related. More and more stuff comes out that we share. I am over the moon happy. She is visiting in March. We can't wait.

xx, Teal

posted on Feb 26, 2021 12:16 PM ()


we are waiting with baited breath about news from your daughter. Y ou two are so fortunate to have found each other. daughters are such a treasure.
comment by elderjane on Feb 27, 2021 5:34 AM ()
I had no idea catfish could sting, how awful! They must have parts on them that do that, it's not the whiskers (at least I think). Too bad, they are so good cooked. Happy March visits!
comment by drmaus on Feb 26, 2021 8:07 PM ()
They have catfish at the market but I am reluctant to try them. Good cooked, huh? I just don't like the name I guess.
reply by tealstar on Feb 27, 2021 7:41 PM ()
I have never been a fish eater, but --- oh my! --- Nathan's hotdogs!
comment by marta on Feb 26, 2021 7:12 PM ()
My favorite fish is broiled salmon and brook trout.
reply by tealstar on Feb 27, 2021 7:38 PM ()
Very positive post (except for the back pain) and not a mention of Covid! Haven't had a Nathan's since probably when I lived downstate >> 40 years ago. Now I'm hungry!
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 26, 2021 12:46 PM ()
When Ed was in college in Boston, he and his buddies one drunken night, drove all the way to Coney Island to get Nathan's hotdogs.
reply by tealstar on Feb 27, 2021 7:37 PM ()

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