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Teal's Modest Adventures

Politics & Legal > Fans Out of the Woodwork

Fans Out of the Woodwork

I have gotten, over the course of my late life career as a writer to newspapers, some calls from people who look me up and tell me they like what I have written. It always gives me a lift when perfect strangers will make the effort to get in touch. And yesterday, a woman called who said we might have known each other years ago because a couple with my name who ran a newspaper in Illinois had been friends of hers and then she lost touch. Well, that wasn’t me.

But we got to talking. She said she loved my writing even though we don’t agree on stuff because she is conservative. Well, that was a surprise and a welcome diversion from the anger and divisiveness that can occur between people who have different political views. Not wanting to spoil the moment, I didn’t ask her if she supported Trump, but, since she was so welcoming, I am guessing she is not one of his diehard supporters. We exchanged phone numbers and at some point will get together for lunch. Maybe I can give her some facts to ponder.

Ed and I aren’t entertaining much lately because the house is over-run with his guardian paperwork, but about three years ago, I gave a holiday brunch in early January and invited, among others, two men who had called with compliments. One was a prominent environmental activist named Phil Buchanan, who lived on Pine Island. I read his obit a few months ago and was sorry I hadn’t kept in touch. Another man, Martin Harris, continues to contribute progressive thoughts and is printed about as often as I am. I think I’ll call him because I’d hate for him to go without having more contact.

One time I had written about the women’s movement and the factors that had led to it, one of which was a marriage failing because the husband found someone younger. The wife, having given up her own career dreams to deal with children and housework, found herself without resources. A woman called to tell me the piece really resonated with her. She had been married to a judge who left her for his law clerk.

I never expected to have fans, but it is a great plus as I move ever steadily toward “der end”. Go ahead, stroke me, I’m easy.

posted on Feb 24, 2017 7:02 AM ()


Keep writing Teal and keep up the resistance.
comment by elderjane on Feb 24, 2017 5:56 PM ()
The Teal Legacy, that's cool. I've thought you should be giving talks at schools about the NYT and other things.
comment by drmaus on Feb 24, 2017 8:17 AM ()
The only thing I've done in that line was write a really comprehensive over-view of the publishing industry for the son of a friend of mine who wanted to be a writer. Rose and I met when I was 16 and she was 22. Our conversations were not in depth. She was overwhelmed with what I had written for her son. Or, as a friend I worked with said when I was teaching her the computer program I was using, "Gee, you know a lot of ####."
reply by tealstar on Feb 24, 2017 1:28 PM ()

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