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Life & Events > Warts and All

Warts and All

It's never easy to come in and adjust and adapt to living with another family, even if it's your own daughter, son in law and grand-daughter. S-I-L and I had a big blowout about this; the engine light lit up on the control panel of my Honda Civic. I said I was gonna go to the dealership and have it fixed. S-I-L said you don't have to fix it etc. and said I could go to a local mechanic since I insisted I was gonna have it checked out and repaired. I'm not able to drive, but I want to maintain the car, and the owner's manual said if left unrepaired, could cause damage to the motor. Anyway, had it fixed and cost me $400.00 at the dealership. It was an oxygen sensor, somethiong to do with the emissions system. I can make my own decisions, thank you. Just because my legs don't work, doesn't mean my brain isn't functioning.
Other things have come up, but we're learning to adjust to each other, the entire family is melding together. I have never been closer to my daughters and g'daughter. I need them, and they need me, we have found. S-I-L has done many kind things for me, so we're learning to relent, forget and forgive, each other, warts and all.

Bye for now, love to everyone, susil

posted on Feb 10, 2013 10:20 AM ()


Oxygen sensors are nothing to mess around with - and they are expensive. I had one replaced a year or so ago, and the dealer charged about half of what my usual mechanic quoted. You may have saved some money by doing it your way. Have you thought of adding hand controls after you find out more about your legs?
comment by catdancer on Feb 19, 2013 8:46 PM ()
Hi Karen; Thanks for the suggestion about hand controls--I hadn't even thought about that!
reply by susil on Feb 20, 2013 5:53 PM ()
So happy you and your kith and kin are a family again. I this this is so important, and life affirming. If you have to find an up side to your change of circumstance, let it be that you have your family.
comment by tealstar on Feb 19, 2013 2:52 PM ()
Hi teal; It has been difficult for all of us but I hope they'll put up with me for a while...
reply by susil on Feb 20, 2013 5:56 PM ()
As glad as I am that you have the company and support of your family, dear Sue, I can sense what an adjustment it must have been to move in with others, as well as to physically deal with a loss of mobility and independence. Since I have now lived alone for 15 years, I am very sympathetic. Kudos for asserting your wishes as you should regarding the care of your car. Such a transition is a process, and I wish you, your daughter and son-in-law the best.
comment by marta on Feb 11, 2013 8:57 AM ()
Hi marta, every comment was on track and I feel your empathy Thank you for the kind comments.
reply by susil on Feb 20, 2013 6:04 PM ()
Heard there was a tornado on your old home turf last night. Probably good that you're not in that area, although anywhere down south isn't really safe. As for the engine light: That is related to the exhaust system. It can be something as simple as a loose gas cap. Put some Vaseline around the rim and problem solved. As an aside, Donna bought an '09 Toyota from a dealer with 45,000 miles on it. She got a "free" 26-point inspection every six months for two years. We just took it in. They wanted to replace the front brake pads, for get this, $420 including labor ($160). This job, for guys who can't do it themselves is worth less than $200 at a mechanics--including labor. I told the little twirp to bring the car out (before I hit him). LOL NEVER trust a dealer!
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 11, 2013 6:54 AM ()
Hi jj; I had this same kind of emission system problem with the Toyota I owned before this Honda. Can you believe it--two cars in a row! I knew it wasn't the gas cap not being screwed on tight. And I knew The frickin' dealership would milk me for every penny they could, but I don't know any locals.
Yep, a tornado tore up parts of Hattiesburg and got within two miles opf my house; as far as I know no damage. We've got to make a trip to Mississippi next week. bye from sue
reply by susil on Feb 20, 2013 6:34 PM ()
Sorry about the tornado in Hattiesburg last night. I hope everyone around your old homestead is safe.
comment by jondude on Feb 11, 2013 6:38 AM ()
Hi jon; I am so worried about what's happened at the home place-planning a trip back in a few days.
reply by susil on Feb 20, 2013 6:50 PM ()
great to see everthing is settling down for you . good idea of elderjane motorised chair or scooter
comment by kevinshere on Feb 10, 2013 11:02 PM ()
Hi kevin; Tried scooter--miserable failure!
reply by susil on Feb 20, 2013 6:52 PM ()
Hello and so glad to hear from you.You were so right about the engine light.For me would have gone straight to the dealers.I know that this cost you some but feel relief on this.
Glad the family ties is working out for you and good luck.Are we feeling much better?
comment by fredo on Feb 10, 2013 1:10 PM ()
Hi Fredo; Good to hear from you! Thanks for the comments. Not feeling much better as yet.
reply by susil on Feb 20, 2013 6:57 PM ()
You were so right to get your car fixed. Have you seen about getting a
motorized wheel chair? The Dr. told Ted to get one. It helps to be a
little more independent. Love you Jeri
comment by elderjane on Feb 10, 2013 12:10 PM ()
Hi jeri; I was given a motorized scooter by a family member and my legs on it were at a most uncomfortable position. Very painful, and my legs hurt so bad all night.
I now have leg lifts on the w/c and this has helped a lot. Love U!
reply by susil on Feb 20, 2013 7:05 PM ()

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