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Life & Events > Stuck at Wallymart

Stuck at Wallymart

Not wanting to get out in the 110 degree heat of mid day, I got up one morning this week at 5am and got to Wallymart at 6am. It had rained and the road was foggy with steam. But inside, it was cool and there were only three or four other customers. Before I started shopping, I went back to the pharmacy section, which was closed, to use the automated blood pressure machine. I didn't know the Post It note stuck on it saying it was out of order had fallen off.

So I stick my arm in--its an inflatable cuff inside a large PVC pipe looking doo hickey. You push a button and the cuff inflates and takes your BP and pulse. The machine inflated and went "click click click." Then it wouldn't deflate. So I tried pulling my arm out, but it was stuck good. It was a tourniquet on my arm and my fingers started getting numb. I was pulling and wriggling that arm every which way.

I thought about that rock climber guy whose arm got stuck between two boulders and eventually had to cut his arm off to get loose. I mean, I was thinking all sorts of things, but I was too embarrassed to holler for help--yet. Then a customer came along looking at vitamins and came over to help. Just getting my mind off it for a few seconds did the trick. I gave some more tugs and pulls and the arm came out.
Leave it to me to do something that ridiculous.


posted on Aug 7, 2010 8:49 AM ()


LOL well thank god you escaped from the machine!
comment by panthurdreams on Aug 8, 2010 10:43 AM ()
It would have been REALLY embarrassing if the fire dept. or someone like that had to be called!
reply by susil on Aug 9, 2010 6:20 AM ()
Those things hurt. No wonder you almost had a panic attack..
comment by elderjane on Aug 8, 2010 9:50 AM ()
Hi jeri; that cuff was really tight--I won't be sticking my arms in one of those for a long time to come!
reply by susil on Aug 9, 2010 6:24 AM ()
Sorry, but I just had to laugh. Sounds like a "I Love Lucy" or Carol Burnett sketch.
comment by solitaire on Aug 8, 2010 6:03 AM ()
Hi Fred!
reply by susil on Aug 9, 2010 6:55 AM ()
Hi cupcake, be aware that BP machines in public places are notoriously unreliable. I took my blood pressure (always abnormally low) at Publix and the reading, if I had believed it, would have had me calling 911.
comment by tealstar on Aug 7, 2010 6:06 PM ()
A pharmacy employee once told me that kids like to play at sticking their arms in and pushing the buttons, so yes, I imagine after months of being used as a toy, the readings aren't that reliable (although this machine always gives me low readings which makes me happy, )
reply by susil on Aug 9, 2010 6:18 AM ()
I'll bet that brought your BP up some. We went to a wedding reception at the Coors Brewery employee cafeteria once (free beer) and they had one of those BP machines there for the employees so over the course of the evening the entire wedding party and most of the guests had a go. It was fun to watch.
comment by troutbend on Aug 7, 2010 9:06 AM ()

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