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Life & Events > Should've Stayed in Bed

Should've Stayed in Bed

Yesterday, the 4th of July, I got up early to make a trip to Wallymart. First I stopped at the Big K station to gas up the car. You have to pay before pumping, but the folks who work there know me, so I'm allowed to fill up then drive up to the front door and give them a check.

I'm about to get out of the car when a black dude clutching a case of beer comes out the door. It was 8:30 in the morning and he was drunk as a skunk. He leans into the car window and says something like "Ju'von mumble mumble" and points to my gas tank. I say I didn't understand you. He repeats this slurred sentence two more times and I'm about to puke from his beer breath. A little guy standing next to him says "His name be Ju'von and he say he pump you gas for you if you give him a tip." It's already pumped I say, and Ju'von staggers away followed by his interpreter. Jeeze!

Then I get to Lucedale and go thru the McDonald's drive thru and tell the disembodied voice I have a coupon to try the new McDonald's oatmeal with fruit. I pull up to the window and the cashier looks at the coupon and frowns and says "This expired in March." Oh, okay. So I pull out another coupon and give it to her. She frowns again and says "This one expired in May." I was feeling like a worm by then, but handed her a coupon for the new McDonald's slushy fruit drink. The cashier really frowns then and says "This expired in June." I was so embarrassed. I swear I had looked at those coupons and didn't see any expiration dates. I should've went right back home at this point, but no, went on to Wallymart.

The store was crowded and busy, but like a lot of misguided managers, there was a skeleton crew working, thinking folks will be at home and not out shopping. Wrong wrong. There was one cashier at the express lane, one at the tobacco kiosk, and one cashier for everybody else. I got in line and nobody was behind me. I put my items on the belt and asked the cashier to get a stockboy to bring me three cases of the 35 count Great Value bottled water (I'm stocking up for hurricane season) and I would have maybe gotten it for myself, but the display was stacked as high as an elephant's eye and I couldn't reach it.

She calls over a black guy I'll call Pancho because he was wearing a sombrero, and tells him to fetch the water. By this time, people were lining up behind me. I apologize to the people behind me for the delay. Pancho ambles back with the water and the cashier rings it up and takes my check, then says "One of these bottles has a hole in it and water has leaked through the packaging." She summons Pancho to get another case. A little boy sitting in his mother's shopping cart yelled at me "Get out of here!"

Oh god--I had become one of those hated people in the checkout line--the one who is fumbling and bumbling and making everybody wait.
It seems Pancho must have taken that defective case of water all the way back to Bentonville Arkansas--but that wasn't the only thing. The cashier had rung me up, but when the sales slip started to print, her machine stopped ans sputtered and she had to call her supervisor. The cashier couldn't clear me till she got the register fixed. That always happens to me--the cash register always causes problems when I'm checking out.

It'll be a while before I go back to Wallymart--they probably have my photo on a poster in the lobby with a warning "BEWARE." I've had enough embarrassment to last me a while.


posted on July 5, 2011 12:36 PM ()


"Funny" vignettes! Sorry for your embarrassment. Too bad McDs couldn't overlook the expiration dates, just for p-r.
comment by solitaire on July 7, 2011 5:16 AM ()
Sue extreme couponers buy a lot of things they do not need but if I have a
need for a coupon item, I always use it. The last time I bought groceries
it sheared 32.50 off my grocery bill.
comment by elderjane on July 6, 2011 2:08 PM ()
The short version of the hospital stays is this. I had pancreatiis again, twice, in April and May. They finally figured out that my diseased gallbladder was the root cause and removed it (after a few complications). Supposedly I am fixed now, and I am betting some energy back. It doesn't feel like bed time until 7 now!
comment by jjoohhnn on July 6, 2011 2:02 PM ()
Some days are just like that! Nothing goes right. I try to remember than five or ten minutes delay is not going to make much difference in the big scheme of things.
comment by redimpala on July 6, 2011 9:04 AM ()
Hi red; you have the right attitude and I admire that so much.
reply by susil on July 6, 2011 12:34 PM ()
So what did you think of Micky D's oatmeal? I ordered one Friday night right after I got out of the hospital, and even with a handful of fruit on top, the container was still have empty. Very disappointing!
comment by jjoohhnn on July 5, 2011 7:09 PM ()
Hi jj; Since the coupons were no good, I muttered "That's why I never go to Micky D's" and drove on out without any.
Geeze, I keep instant oatmeal packets at the house and make that when I want any. They can keep their damn oatmeal.
PS why were you in the hosp? Maybe my computer will hold out long enough for me to read some posts. Stay well, susil
reply by susil on July 6, 2011 12:32 PM ()
It may have been a bad day, but like Fredo says, it had its moments, and I am picturing that 'Beware' mug shot. At least you didn't decide to dig around in the bottom of your purse for the exact change! Or try to pay with a welfare debit card that wasn't qualified for the food you were trying to purchase.
comment by troutbend on July 5, 2011 2:53 PM ()
Hey girl; Even writing a check is old fashioned nowadays, but I don't like using a credit /debit card to buy groceries and gas. Know why? I can't stand the idea of the gas and groceries being used up, gone, and I'm still paying for it. The thought gives me the heebie jeebies.
reply by susil on July 6, 2011 12:28 PM ()
Most of the coupons I see in the papers are for products I don't buy, like, say, Cheerios. Sorry you had such a bad day. Don't worry about the people in the checkout line -- it is what it is and we all have to wait some time. I free-associate.
comment by tealstar on July 5, 2011 2:08 PM ()
Hi teal; there's a reality show on called Extreme Couponing and I've watched it a couple of times. These hard core couponers go in a store and buy $1,000 worth of stuff and pay nothing using all their coupons.
I might cut out a coupon here and there but usually leave it at home or put in in a baggie in the car and forget it. Maybe I should get serious about using coupons though. But the hard core people buy a lot of things like antacids and things that make you wonder do they need 20 of them just because they're free?
Anyway, I hate holding people up in line. Next time I'll get Pancho to have the water ready at the checkout for me.
reply by susil on July 6, 2011 12:24 PM ()
Sorry for all the inconvenience there.I find this sort of hilarious.
Why?this is good humor writing.I know that this is serious but did find it sort of funny.Forgive me but not trying to make fun of this.
I read this twice and sounds like something that I will read around here.
You did not check the expiration date on the cupon.They all have it.
I had this happen to mean many times.Now before giving them,I looked at the expiration date.I really enjoy this post.Not sure why?but did.
comment by fredo on July 5, 2011 1:32 PM ()
Well bless your heart, I hoped someone would see the humor in these events, embarrassing though they were! Thank You.
I'm gonna put a little magnifying glass on my key chain so I can really see those teeny tiny expiration dates.
reply by susil on July 6, 2011 12:18 PM ()

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