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Life & Events > The Rising Sun

The Rising Sun

I'm blogging because I'm putting off washing dishes. I hate washing dishes--well not the washing itself, it's the gathering up of dishes, cleaning the table, the wiping down the stove and all that. I don't have a dishwasher. As a minimalist I don't really miss having one--Oh I'm lying..I wish I had a frickin' dishwasher.
So first, before confronting the kitchen, I procrastinated by reading three days worth of newspapapers and doing the crosswords, etc and so forth. I read --and it makes me so happy-- the wise and wonderful Obama is appointing a superb cabinet. He is surrounding himself with sharp, intelligent people. And if Hillary accepts the position of secretary of state, that will be the icing on the cake.
I am looking at Obama with starry eyes and yes--even me the cynic and pessimist--is feeling optimism. The sun is gonna rise! (It bothered me a lot when a neighbor I respect said, and these are his exact words, "I never thought I'd live to see the day when we'd have a nigger for president.")   I was shocked and will never think of him as anything but an ignorant rube from now on.
Go Obama go! Rah rah rah! I'm behind you all the way. You're doing fine. Okay, now I must prod myself back to reality and wash those damn dishes. It's already almost 2am.
Bye y'all, susil

posted on Nov 23, 2008 12:03 AM ()


Hi Sue. I love to cook, but when I do, I mess up all the pots
and pans in the house. Then I hate to (warsh) them. Yesterday
I made a green bean casserole and dressing and a green salad.
I invited my son and his and my oldest daughter over. I want you
to know that I only got a very small helping and its gone.
When I get back tomorrow, will make some more.
comment by larryb on Nov 23, 2008 5:44 PM ()
If you had a dishwasher you would put off emptying it. I get that feeling sometimes, but Mr. Tbend assigned himself the emptier and second the cycle is done he's in there putting stuff away. I keep a supply of paper plates and cups in the rental cabins to encourage the renters to have fewer dishes to wash in hopes of sparing the septic systems.
comment by troutbend on Nov 23, 2008 3:36 PM ()
I'm still here to read your posts, even though you don't reciprocate. Just teasing. I had a new dishwasher put in last Jan. Guess how many times I've used it? Twice!! As for Obama and his cabinet:
comment by solitaire on Nov 23, 2008 7:45 AM ()
I feel your pain, sister! Even though I've been spoiled by a dishwasher for a long time, whenever I pull out an iron skillet, a little voice says to me, "You know you're gonna have to wash that by hand, don't you?" It makes me cringe.
comment by beabea on Nov 23, 2008 5:35 AM ()
Ah, Sue, I feel for you about the dishes. At least it's your own dishes. In New York we didn't have a dishwasher in our apartment. Well, we did, but you had to move it over to the sink and reconnect it so Ed and his late wife only used it after a big party. Ed eats throughout the day. We had a tiff over me being his short-order cook (get real) and now he does his own snacks, but the dishes are my job. That's okay. He's not as thorough as me. And the dishwasher is my lifesaver. I run it at night when I hope he's finished, but sometimes in the morning I find more dishes but they are in the fridge (another rule -- don't leave anything out for the bugs). Try not waiting, then you won't have an accumulation.
comment by tealstar on Nov 23, 2008 4:47 AM ()

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