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News From Mississippi

News & Issues > Psycho


Direct TV has been airing a documentary about Jonestown--you all remember that, I'm sure. In November 18, 1978  Jim Jones was stunned that some of his flock would want to desert his compound in Guyana. Jones could be charismatic and charming. He called himself a minister and probably started out with good intentions.
The San Francisco Examiner says he became seduced by power over his followers and  turned into a pill popping dictator who sadistically presided over harsh discipline. At the end, addled with drugs, he determined to end it all with the suicide and murder  of those who had been loyal to him. Almost 1,000 people were given Kool Aid laced with cyanide.
They drank it willingly--or some, under duress--and gave it to their children. Imagine the power one human being can have over another that you would be willing to give your children cyanide because your "minister" asked you to, despite how psychotic and irrational it was. Jones didn't drink it himself--he shot himself, or was shot by one of his enforcers.
You wouldn't think a normal average person would subjugate their will to another like that, but cults over and over prove that it can be done. A psycho like Jones doesn't have horns, spiked tail and a big PSYCHO sign on their forehead. Their beasts live in their souls. They lure in those who have a need to be told what to do, maybe a need for direction, and give up control of their life to someone they think knows what's best for them.
It's been 30 years ago since Jonestown. The jungle has overgrown the site, only a few rusting bits of metal mark the remains of a great American tragedy. No doubt events such as this will recur as long as free will is given over to the Jim Jones and David Koresh's of the world.

posted on Nov 21, 2008 1:25 PM ()


I remember a lot of the Gorey details, yes, I was around then.
What about the one in Ca. now? It may turn out the same way
comment by larryb on Nov 22, 2008 6:12 PM ()
The thing about it I saw, and I don't recall what network, was a daughter going back there to see where her mother was shot - I think the mother was with the congressman who went there to investigate. What a mess that whole thing was, and very frightening to think of those followers who were so lonely in their lives they turned to that man for completion.
comment by troutbend on Nov 21, 2008 11:00 PM ()
I remember when this happened, and remember being so disturbed over the photographs that were taken of the dead lying on the ground in the compound. Some of them had their arms over their children.
comment by beabea on Nov 21, 2008 7:02 PM ()
I would like to seduce people with my power - heh heh heh ... I would, however, be a wise and benevolent mistress.
comment by tealstar on Nov 21, 2008 4:05 PM ()
I caught part of that show. Very intertesting. Will have to watch the rest. I was almost 2 years old when this happened.
comment by panthurdreams on Nov 21, 2008 2:02 PM ()

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