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News From Mississippi

News From Mississippi > Susil's Comments

Susil's Comments

Girl your mishaps were just too funny (not to you of course.)
I buy olive oil in quart size plastic bottles--I have a doleful history with products in glass jars, so avoid glass when possible. Besides, olive oil supposedly gets rank after a period of time, so a quart at a time lets me use it up before it goes bad. And those cheap plastic bags that get hole-y right away--well, at the store I always ask for a few extra so I can double bag everything--Know what you mean about those.
Comment on Kitchen Woe - Sept 24, 2010 9:09 AM ()
You go girl!!!!!!! Your ideas are mine, though I could never have expresed myself so articulately, so thank you.
I get a sinking feeling when I read jerms that he is a follower of Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh and idiots of that ilk, who speak loudly and vacuously and espouse outrageous things just for their own notoriety. Their brains are frozen as cement--nothing can cross that barrier; they will never be enlightened. What's scary is that there are people listening to these brain dead fools and think they are right.
I'm with you 100%.
Comment on An Answer to Jerms - Sept 23, 2010 9:41 AM ()
Hi jj; I can get everything except coconut milk--I'll have to see if I can find a specialty food store (Coconut cream is thick tasteless stuff, not the same.)
It's better for me to just go out to a Chinese place and eat the Americanized version of Chinese rather than make it myself, tho a simple stir fry is easy.
Comment on A Horse and a Soup - Aug 31, 2010 9:24 AM ()
According to Wikipedia, silica is embedded in blades of Cogon grass, which gives it a sandpapery feel. Also found out that there are species of Cogon grass sold as decorative lawn plants (!)
It's here to stay.
Comment on Grass Even a Goat Won't Eat - Aug 19, 2010 8:08 AM ()
Hi jon; I tell everybody my house is held together with tape and glue (true) and I don't have cats!
Comment on Glued Up - Aug 14, 2010 2:36 PM ()
You are one of those fortunate folks who can always pull a rabbit out of a hat when you need to because you're sharp, smart, independent--and being cute helped too!
Comment on I Don't Plan -- Sue Me - Aug 7, 2010 10:05 AM ()
Well thank goodness--I mean I thought my computer had been hacked or something because all the comments on blogs have been going to spam.
Comment on A MyBloggers Problem - Aug 7, 2010 9:56 AM ()
I'm dying with curiosity about the woman and her children. Maybe they were just passing through Clewiston. Maybe dressed as they were they had just come from a wedding or a funeral or something like that.
Kudos for Ed for his work. There's a lot of elderly abuse and neglect. If people only knew.
Comment on A Short Trip - Aug 7, 2010 9:53 AM ()
I'm marking August 27 on every calendar--don't want to miss this!!
Comment on Watch This! - Aug 7, 2010 9:44 AM ()
I was watching that show a few days ago and a millionaire chose a pretty young lady who said she didn't mind that he was overweight. So they go on a date, limo, private plane, etc. She was wearing a sexy dress. He wore a pair of tatty old jeans like guys wear when they want to change the oil in their car, and he wasn't shaven. The Matchmaker should've done a makeover on him, cleaned him up. Even a million couldn't make him appealing.
Comment on Matchmaking - Aug 7, 2010 9:39 AM ()
jeri; art classes were the funnest--most fun--thing I've ever done. Go for it!
Comment on Classes - Aug 7, 2010 9:29 AM ()
I'm behind that pharmacist all the way; I wish there was some way I could help him. I hope his lawyers can call it a crime of passion or something like that, as he acted in the heat of the moment. I hope he gets off.
Comment on A Disagreement with No 1 Son - Aug 7, 2010 9:26 AM ()
Hi jeri; Tea keeps me awake; even decaf tea, though coffe isn't that bad about causing insomnia. I've found there's no use to lie there and try to force yourself to sleep, so might as well get up and read etc.
PS you and stay hydrated, okay?
Comment on Counting Sheep - Aug 7, 2010 9:19 AM ()
I hope the prison system doesn't ever knuckle under and give in to his
demands--what gall that sob has.
Comment on The Baby Killer - Aug 7, 2010 9:12 AM ()
fredo, I'm gonna have to stop watching the food network--they had a show Sunday night about the food of interior Mexico, some recipes from before the conquistadores, that's what got me craving Mexican. What we call Mexican is nothing like REAL Mexican food, where they have dozens of different dried chili's to make sauces, and herbs I never heard of before--it all looked fabulous!
But from now on, I'll stick to Chinese when I crave ethnic!
Comment on Chimichanga Blues - July 19, 2010 4:42 PM ()

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