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Life & Events > A Horse and a Soup

A Horse and a Soup

(Well, mybloggers has done it again. I tried to post a blog over and over, "Odds and Ends" and kept getting erased by that frickin mybloggers. So I changed the title of the article and will try again.)

Got stuck behind a tractor on the road today and had a chance to observe a horse grazing next to a fence. This was a pitiful nag; swaybacked, heavy bellied, thick legged, old and mangy looking, limping when it walked. It was lucky it hadn't been sent to a glue factory or Alpo plant. The hopeful owners had a sign on the fence "STALLION SERVICE," with a phone number underneath. Maybe that horse had some attribute I couldn't see; maybe it can still get it up. Good luck.

Heard a Mississippi highway patrolman on the radio; he was saying "Our aim is to get drunk drivers off the road, so if you drink and drive, remember "IF YOU GET HAMMERED, WE'RE GONNA NAIL YOU."
That's a lot cuter than the old slogan "click it ot ticket."

Had lunch at a Thai restaurant where they served a delicious coconut soup. The waitress said it's made from coconut milk, chicken broth, fresh mushrooms, snippets of green onions and pieces of tofu. I've got to learn how to make it--it was so good.

Last night watched the Emmy's and "Mad Men" won best TV drama. If you want a good story, you have to see this show, AMC on Sunday nights. You wouldn't think the lives of people working at a Madison Avenue ad agency would be so interesting, but boy, it a great story--a primetime soap opera of the first caliber, and Don Draper the star--I could just watch him even if he never said a word, he's that good looking.

Lastly troutbend, here is the names of a couple announcing their engagement in the paper: Miss Lock will marry Mr. Boltz. Good one eh?


posted on Aug 30, 2010 4:03 PM ()


It seems like the tourist season ends earlier every year because schools start mid-August, including the colleges. The Scottish Festival, which is supposed to be a big deal around here is in September, so the official season end is after that. My peak season is July, with few people in June and August, some in September, and as late as October. I just turn off the water heater in between guests and wait for someone to want to come for a stay. This year I have a guy coming from Illinois for 2 1/2 weeks in October, then I'm closing it all up.

Mad Men is one of my favorites, too. I am fascinated by the fashions and all the smoking, and what is revealed about attitudes toward women. They do a good job of capturing that drinking, smoking, sleeping around no holds barred lifestyle.
comment by troutbend on Aug 31, 2010 4:57 PM ()
By mid October then, you're closed up till spring. It must be a lot of work to keep everything up!
On Mad Men, everybody drinks and smokes and not one give a thought to STD's. Just amazing to realize how innocent they all were then to the consequences. Good show.
reply by susil on Sept 4, 2010 7:12 AM ()
Hi jj; I can get everything except coconut milk--I'll have to see if I can find a specialty food store (Coconut cream is thick tasteless stuff, not the same.)
It's better for me to just go out to a Chinese place and eat the Americanized version of Chinese rather than make it myself, tho a simple stir fry is easy.
comment by susil on Aug 31, 2010 9:24 AM ()
Thai soup sounds like Tom Yum Ka...pretty good. I make a really good Tom Yum Chicken soup...very similar minus the cocount milk! Sorry you were having so much trouble posting. Wish you better luck in the future. HUGS>
comment by panthurdreams on Aug 30, 2010 11:07 PM ()
Hi there! Yep, I recall part of the name of the soup had "yum" in it. The waitress didn't mention it, but it tasted like it ha a little lime juice in it too.
Well, between this pc and Windows 98 being abandoned, I guess I'm lucky to be able to get on the computer at all. Hope you are well.
reply by susil on Aug 31, 2010 9:10 AM ()
I hope that poor old horse doesn't have to work anymore and can just keep grazing. Somehow I keep missing Mad Men. I worked for McCann-Erickson in the 60s. Deja vu. Will have to make a point of finding it on Sunday night.
comment by tealstar on Aug 30, 2010 7:07 PM ()
Hi teal; It's a classy show, I know you'd like it. Best if you could get DVD's of it from season one to get caught up from the first.
reply by susil on Aug 31, 2010 9:14 AM ()
I watch all the MAD MEN and RUBICON episodes. I was in the ad biz and started way back in the 1970 period, so it clicks with me. And RUBICON is riveting, much like one of my favorite movies, THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR (Robert Redford.)
comment by jondude on Aug 30, 2010 6:33 PM ()
All movies are fantasies.
reply by jondude on Aug 31, 2010 7:17 PM ()
jon; you've got to back me up on Mad Men, so other bloggers will know what a great show it is (just won 3rd Emmy in a row as best TV drama.)
I just never could get hooked on "Rubicon," but Breaking Bad is another great show on AMC--it's lead actor Bryan Cranston won the Emmy for best actor in a TV drama. PS If you worked in the ad biz, you are familiar with the way men dressed--suits, thin ties, hats--and the women's styles I'm familiar with--I miss those styles (except for the girdles--ouch!)
reply by susil on Aug 31, 2010 9:20 AM ()
Years ago lunched with a guy who worked on the Russian desk at the CIA. He said 3 Days ... was fantasy. I said I didn't care because it was a great movie.
reply by tealstar on Aug 30, 2010 7:05 PM ()
Every now and then I think about stocking up on the ingredients to make "authentic" (Americanized) Chinese food. But some of it is perishable and some only comes in large quantities, so I keep giving up. Let us know if you have any success with Thai soup.
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 30, 2010 5:52 PM ()
Hi jj; your reply up above;
reply by susil on Aug 31, 2010 9:25 AM ()
Thanks for the names. I know Labor Day is almost upon us when we hear about the crack downs on drunk drivers. I don't have any customers for the long weekend, I'm waiting to see if anyone calls up at the last minute.
comment by troutbend on Aug 30, 2010 5:02 PM ()
So when does the "season" end? Or do folks come till first snow?
reply by susil on Aug 31, 2010 9:28 AM ()
I agree with Jeri...she took the words right out of my mouth on the Lock and Boltz nuptials...and let's hope the nag was NOT the one providing the stud service.
comment by redimpala on Aug 30, 2010 5:01 PM ()
Hi red; I didn't see any other horse in the little pasture; maybe it was an old sign, but it was funny!
Maybe the poor old horse was run down from all that stud service and had lots of happy memories!
reply by susil on Aug 31, 2010 9:33 AM ()
Lock and Boltz is spectacular. The coconut soup sounds great. Maybe
the poor old horse was not a stallion.
comment by elderjane on Aug 30, 2010 4:53 PM ()
Hi jeri;Maybe it was a mare instead of a stallion; I couldn't tell from the road--but its owners must love it to keep it around.
reply by susil on Aug 31, 2010 9:39 AM ()

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