Enjoyed that--it's one I'll have to remember and pass along!!
kev; that was a very interesting article and photos; I enjoyed it so much--since I'll never to get to Australia, learning about how life is there is fascinating to me..thanks for that post. About the flu--at first sign of coming down with a bug, I take a cup of warm water and add a few drops of bleach and do a deep down gargle, and also instill a few drops into each nasal sinus--it works for me. Hope you're better soon.
Hey Fredo, I can't remember if it was on History Channel or Nat'l Geographic Channel, but it will undoubtedly be shown again sooner or later.I'd love to see it again too. PS I'm puzzled--what about the title? id I miss something?
It's true, even when a person thinks they have a straight path laid out with no surprises, suddenly BAM! A life can be turned upside down and inside out. Maybe it's a good thing no one knows what tommorow holds whether it's for good or bad.
Oh girl; I know where you're coming from!
I used to contribute to the World Wildlife Fund, the Nature Conservancy etc. and they beseige me with mailings and address labels and pleas for money. I finally learned to say no but still feel guilty--thankfully I never got on the e-mail lists for politicallly oriented causes.
There are so many things that could cause his symptoms, hope the MRI gives some clues.
Wow-my sister is an Aquarian, and they're hard to get along with! Opposites attract so true with you and Ted.
I've been watching the History Channel about how our country was formed, and it's incredible --America gained independence by a hair!
The weather really had been weird this year--and love the cold watermelon and iced tea idea--I drink a lot of iced tea!
jj your lawn is so green and pretty. Good for you to get that new Man Toy to cut it with--looks like fun! PS your knee in the picture looks like it can be really painful..
jj, All of a sudden a few years ago my vision got really bad and I found out I had a tear in the back of one retina, that had scarred over before I went to the doc. I've had it checked out twice already this year. My prob. is opposite from yours--I need more fluid around the retina but there's no way to pump any in there. Good luck--you'll do fine.
Tarnation, little lady, you sure do make me laugh. The marriage of the 101 year old reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith and her hubby who was about 100. He liked having her around too. This Brazilian chick needed a green card or whatever marriage conveys, but she needn't be abusive to him. Good for Ed for checking this out. PS Glad you got Greg and crew out of your life.
Girl you're too much! Somneone up there was p*ssing on you, that's why you keep getting soaked!