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News From Mississippi

News From Mississippi > Susil's Comments

Susil's Comments

Well I didn't know that either--must not have been paying attention during class--or the teacher didn't know it either and never mentioned it
Comment on I Didn't Know That . . . ! - Oct 12, 2010 2:24 PM ()
I hope someone carried on her work after she died, she sounds like a Mother Teresa type of person. The conditions you describe sound like the horrible conditions in gaols and poor houses Charles Dickens wrote about. I've often wondered why royalty and Queen Victoria in particular seemed oblivious about what was going on with the poorest and most desperate of her subjects?
Comment on Elizabeth Fry, Prison Reformer. - Oct 12, 2010 2:18 PM ()
I've never heard of the "Sutton Hoo" Saxon hoard, I'm dying with curiosity. What was it? Also, when treasure is found, does it automatically belong to the landowner, the guy with the metal detector or are the artifacts considered to be national treasure and belong to the government?
Just imagine what un-found artifacts and relics are waiting to be dis covered. Ooooh, how I'd love to go on a dig--what adventure!
Comment on Pre-historic England - 4000bc - 43ad - Oct 11, 2010 7:29 AM ()
I mis-spelled--it's "centuries" not cenruries--.
PS The movie Eyes Wide Shut (Nicole Kidman/ Tom Cruise) shows a celebration of the winter solstice. I watched the movie several times just to see the pagan rituals.
Comment on Yule - Oct 10, 2010 11:20 AM ()
Well I'll be darned-that's the origin of "toasting" someone--how interesting!
PS I have a personal interest in Henry VIII--we share the same birthdate, though cenruries apart of couse, Haha. I wrote a blog about him recently. What a character he was.
Comment on Yule - Oct 10, 2010 11:16 AM ()
I saw a show on National Geographic a couple of months ago about an Englishman with a metal detector who found fragments of gold bracelets and necklaces and other ornaments buried in a farmer's field. The site was on a hill--you could see traffic on a road down below. How this treasure got here and how it escaped detection so long is a mystery to me. It dates from maybe Roman times or later. Have you heard of this?
Comment on Pre-historic England - 4000bc - 43ad - Oct 10, 2010 11:11 AM ()
From the photos, the countryside is awesomely beautiful where you are.
Comment on Murphy's Law - Oct 4, 2010 10:03 AM ()
Good thing you got your projects near completion before winter comes, heh?
Comment on Something Finally Got Built! - Oct 3, 2010 11:33 PM ()
I have a protective feeling for all wild things, but I don't like cats and dogs, never have.
Comment on Well, I Never ... - Oct 3, 2010 9:03 AM ()
The drill baby drill people make me sick--human beings won't be satisfied until every place on earth has been sullied, ruined, and used up. We don't deserve the planet we're on. A local preacher wrote an article for the paper saying we are given power over every thing on earth to use as we see fit--which means spoil it and who cares? God said we could.
I swear, if I were young, I'd move to Canada or England or someplace away from the crazies running this country.
Comment on Oil, the War, the Spoiler, the Tea Party - Oct 3, 2010 9:00 AM ()
Oh what a great idea--sticking pins in those people! I love it, but even more, I like the idea of picturing people you don't like breaking up into puzzle pieces--I'm gonna start using that idea today!
I also have a crystal hanging in my office window, and am superstitious if anything should ever happen to it.
Comment on Strange Doings - Oct 3, 2010 8:45 AM ()
Oh no! A cop car in my rear view mirror makes me nervous--I've learned to brake and slow down when I see one hiding in the bushes down the road. Last time I did that, a cop shook his finger at me as I passed. I used to could cry my way out of a ticket when I was in uniform and prettier than I am now, but it doesn't work anymore, so I have to be gooder.
Comment on Wino Car - Sept 27, 2010 9:49 PM ()
"Suit at 3 o'clock" oh goodness that is funny--but I know what you mean. Casual has gone too far, so when the public sees someone nicely dressed it's a shocker. There is a lady who works at one of the branch banks around here who always has her hair neatly coiffed, her nails manicured, her makeup flawless, her attire like a fashion mag. Guys go in just to look at her--and women too, wondering how she pulls it off day after day.
You have to admire somebody like that who makes the effort.
Comment on A Night Out - Sept 26, 2010 7:56 AM ()
PS I had already planned a blog on Rashomon in case you read it.
Comment on A Night Out - Sept 24, 2010 9:21 AM ()
Green with envy here in the Mississippi backwoods--you and Ed looked so glam and gorgeous and had a great meal and great company in a beautiful setting--sigh, sigh...
And did you say your top had spaghetti straps?? Oh boy..I've never in my life had a figure that could wear that!
Comment on A Night Out - Sept 24, 2010 9:18 AM ()

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