I've noticed lately, driving down Highway 98 toward Lucedale, that the green embankments had large patches of dead grass and wondered why. So today I saw a couple of MDOT trucks pulled on the median and one guy was spraying something on the grass. I turned around and pulled up to where they were and the sprayer came over to the car. I asked what he was spraying and he said Cogon grass.
Come to find out that Cogon grass is another unwelcome invasive species that came in on a cargo ship to the Gulf where it had probably been used as packing material. This grass has sharp blades that cut like a razor. It has no natural control enemies here. It takes over native grasses and has been impossible to control and is spreading rapidly. MDOT is going to spray all patches of it along the highway all the way to the Alabama state line.
This spring it grew all along the median, topped with feathery white plumes. MDOT is spraying every patch with herbicide now in an effort to control it. The sprayer said someone had even suggested letting goats loose on it because they will eat anything--but guess what? The goats wouldn't touch it. The sprayer said he'd pick a few blades to show it to me but he wasn't wearing gloves and couldn't chance cutting himself.
Yep folks, another invasive import coming your way soon.
It's here to stay.