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Life & Events > A Letter from Hell

A Letter from Hell

hELLO at long last from susil! I am now safely ensconced at my daughter and her husband's house and am being treated well. My old life is completely disrupted, but since I've been put on Paxil, it has smoothed out some of the worst depression.

I was thinking last night of the worst night I've had since this paralyzing incident happened. It was one night at the Warm Springs rehab center in San Antonio. I was miserable there. A darker, gloomier, drearier place to rehab would be hard to imagine.
It came highly recommended and there were pictures on the walls of the lobby showing smiling rehab successes.
Yes, the lobby and first floor looked so nice but the third floor where I was taken had a poured concrete floor with a nubbly surface painted a god awful dried blood maroon color.
The cabinets were dark wood which added to the dungeon-y feel. One night I was in pain and my exhausted daughters had gone home. The ancient TV wouldn't work. I couldn't sit on the side of the bed (with help) because there weren't enough personnel--and they had me in a bed with an alarm on it--if I moved it alarmed. I looked through the bars on the hospital bed and felt as if I were in prison, down to the coarse rough old green blanket I was provided with./p>

Around 3am a storm blew through shaking and writhing the old cedar outside my window, Rain pelted the window and the wind moaned around the eaves of the hospital.. As it subsided, I heard shrieking a crying down the hall--some disoriented elderly
lady was in distress.
This place is a combo of a pison an nursing home. I hated it!
Next mornng I jokingly commiserated with another patient who also hated it. I saughta tie some sheets together and escape through the roof. She said I'd just call a taxi and leave!

good to be back on mybloggers, missed everyone. hoping to find a reliable to you


posted on Jan 12, 2013 6:44 PM ()


Sue, so glad your back in the land of mybloggers living! We missed you. One
thing I found out when Ted was in the hospital was to bring pillows and
a thinsulate blanket. The constant freezing cold of the hospital is good
to vanquish germs but just makes patients more miserable.
comment by elderjane on Jan 14, 2013 2:38 PM ()
Jeri this physical rehab center is supposed to be the best-it was a gruesome place. I feel they milk Medicare for all they can.
reply by susil on Jan 15, 2013 7:29 PM ()
Good to have you back. I'm sure you are tickled pink also
comment by larryb on Jan 13, 2013 5:59 PM ()
Hi larry, so kind of you to have kept in touch!
reply by susil on Jan 13, 2013 6:06 PM ()
I'm so glad you are back! I hear you about the "rehab" places. Some are okay, and others are horrible. Of course it's a matter of money - but also the priorities of our society. That we allow them to continue to operate that way says something awful about our culture.
comment by catdancer on Jan 13, 2013 4:07 PM ()
dear cat; Everybody lauded this place to the skies--what a disappointment it was. they had a solarium but the doors were locked, used as a storage space! etc.
reply by susil on Jan 13, 2013 6:16 PM ()
Good to see ya back! Seems like you still have a sense of humor (of sorts). I always hate nights in the hospital. Even when I can get out of bed I look out the window and nothing moves. Then dawn comes and I sleep sitting up. Or rest, or whatever it is that happens in there.... Stay well!
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 13, 2013 7:28 AM ()
Hi jj; I never had trouble sleeping till recently. I hate hospitals.hope you are doing well and I'm gonna try to lighten it up a bit!
reply by susil on Jan 13, 2013 6:22 PM ()
G'day sue , am sure glad you have escaped from that place and things arev going well
comment by kevinshere on Jan 13, 2013 12:12 AM ()
Hi kev, thanks for reading, best wishes to you.
reply by susil on Jan 13, 2013 6:26 PM ()
It must have seemed like the bottom of barrel. I'm glad you escaped from that place. We are thinking of you every day.
comment by troutbend on Jan 12, 2013 7:16 PM ()
Dear Laura, thanks for all the cards and letters you sent--it was invaluable to my recovery. love always from sue.
reply by susil on Jan 13, 2013 6:35 PM ()
Sending you warmest greetings, dear Sue! I hope so much that you will continue to feel better. Just take it one day at a time. I surround you with care and support, my friend.
comment by marta on Jan 12, 2013 6:57 PM ()
Hi marta; So appreciative of all support-ThaNK yOU!
reply by susil on Jan 13, 2013 6:10 PM ()

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