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Health & Fitness > Why I Don't like Doctors

Why I Don't like Doctors

Every six months I have to go to either a nurse practioner or doctor at a local clinic to get my routine prescriptions rewritten. It was irritating, since nothing has changed and they have my medical records in their computer, to have to fill out six pages of paperwork, but the receptionists said sorry, the first of every year all new paperwork must be done.

You know those check off lists of all the illnesses afflicting your father, mother or other close kinfolk, your name written and also spelled out on every form, the page for listing all current meds, the page for all operative procedures in your lifetime, on and on. They keep everything else in the computer, so why not all this stuff? Do they think my deceased parents medical problems have changed?

So after a long wait a doctor comes in and after a short hello, sits down at a computer and starts typing away. He doesn't even glance at those dratted forms I've filled out. He's sitting with his back to me and asks questions and typing it all in the computer. Without doing any testing or for any good reason, he wants to change a couple of my meds. I say no, if everything is working just fine, why rock the boat? I want my meds to stay the same. I'm a nurse--I'll tell YOU when I need anything else.

Now this is the thing. A patient has the right to say what they will allow to be done to their body, their treatment, etc. and have the right to refuse treatment. A doctor should work with the client and suggest treatment options, but a doctor is not God. Only you have the right to say which of those options you will accept, even in matters of life or death. You don't have to accept what you consider un-necessary testing and treatments. Unfortunately, there are still far too many doctors out there with the God complex. Like that jumbo yesterday with his back to me. Get real. You expect me to take your advice??


posted on Mar 3, 2011 5:30 AM ()


When I turned 65 in Jan I went in for a FREE WELL WOMAN"s check-up...never received it, but was put on 3 med's sent for blood tests, visiting later because of a reaction to a med, she literally called an ambulance she thought I was having a heart attack. In ER both nurse and doc, said my the 2 EKG's were different because of placement. AND said I was having a reaction from the med's...
This doc had me traumatized by the end of JAN. I refused after that month to go back, canceled the appointments. I'm finally back to feeling like my self again. I really suffered from PTS from Jan and her visit.So thank you for your post
comment by anacoana on Mar 12, 2011 12:18 PM ()
Ana, you have to be your own advocate and not blindly accept whatever a doctor dishes out. I realize there are many fine physicians out there, but there's just as many incompetent ones too. I'm sorry about your horrible experience, and glad you cancelled those appointments. Sounds like you had some whacked out medical advice..
reply by susil on Mar 14, 2011 1:56 PM ()
I know what you mean, all that bureaucracy for no good reason.
comment by troutbend on Mar 3, 2011 2:47 PM ()
I am sorry to say it's getting worse and worse and more impersonal.
reply by susil on Mar 12, 2011 10:50 AM ()
Dear Su, I like my inernist a lot and think he's charming, but he's missing the medical boat and that counts for more.
comment by tealstar on Mar 3, 2011 12:00 PM ()
Hi teal; I'm ready for charming--I'll ask the doctor for what I want unless something serious comes up --THEN take his advice..
reply by susil on Mar 12, 2011 10:53 AM ()
I am lucky. My internist is so good that I have kept him for 20 years.
We have gotten old together.
comment by elderjane on Mar 3, 2011 6:52 AM ()
Hi jeri; That's the way to do it--have a doctor who knows all about your medical past.
reply by susil on Mar 12, 2011 10:54 AM ()
I love my doctor and office staff. I went in yest for my physical. The nurse asked if there were any changes from last year, that's all. The doc spent an hour--one hour!--with me, checking and talking. I asked him a simple question about taking one aspirin a day, and off he went on a 5 minute dissertation! That's not all bad. It shows he cares.
comment by solitaire on Mar 3, 2011 6:44 AM ()
Hi sol; Lucky lucky you!!
reply by susil on Mar 12, 2011 10:55 AM ()
My doctor's practice prints out what they have in the computer and just asks me to update it annually. Piece of cake! No reinventing the wheel. What century is your doctor living in? And his manner of disengagement with you makes me wonder why you don't find a new doctor....
comment by marta on Mar 3, 2011 5:44 AM ()
Hi marta, well you've hit on it--that's what should be done--keep info in their database, print it out and let you update if needed. I'll tell you what century that doctor is living in--Mississippi time, which is at least 20 years behind everywhere else.
AND I am going to find a new doctor. I go to the clinic only because it's close to home, but I know I can do better than that. Yuk.
reply by susil on Mar 3, 2011 6:01 AM ()
When you live long enough, and I have, your medical history gets more and more involved and convoluted. I have typed up my history and when I have to re-present it, bring it up to date and print it out. When I get to that part in the official form that says "list all your medical procedures, etc.) I write in, "see attached". I am seeing a new doctor in April (replacing my internist) and, of course, I have received a form in the mail asking for everything. At least they send this in advance now.
comment by tealstar on Mar 3, 2011 5:42 AM ()
Hi teal; sending the forms in advance is a smart move, and keeping your records updated and ready proves you are one smart cookie!
Good luck with the new internists. You have to like your doctor to listen to him--hope he's a keeper.
reply by susil on Mar 3, 2011 6:16 AM ()

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