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Life & Events > To Card or Not to Card

To Card or Not to Card

I don't know if I'm gonna send any Christmas cards this year--is this a passe custom? Does anyone do it but old ladies anymore? Every year I send fewer and fewer and receive fewer too. The increasing price of stamps doesn't help.
I have a friend who never forgets my birthday, Christmas etc. She sends me e-mail greetings, but it is not the same as getting that card in the mail.

Over the years I got a card every Christmas from a nurse I worked with--what's funny is that when we worked together she was a bitch, and there was no love lost between us--but she is the one nurse who unfailingly sent a card and a note about her family. After missing a couple of years, I saw her daughter who told me her mother had developed dementia.

I once knew a woman who was so organized--or compulsive--that she had her Christmas shopping done by August. She shopped throughout the year and had a closet with neatly stacked goods she'd bought and had ready. She told me she mailed her Christmas cards on December 1st without fail.

Anyway, I can't decide if I'm gonna card or not this year. How about you? susil

posted on Nov 30, 2008 7:55 PM ()


I am one of those old ladies who always sends cards.
comment by elderjane on Dec 4, 2008 8:56 AM ()
I send one to everyone in my family and a few others,
not many
comment by larryb on Dec 3, 2008 7:15 PM ()
I try to avoid buying new ones every year, just pick some up on sale when I see them. All I can find are some Christmas postcards and I think my bundle of cards to be sent is in Las Vegas, but I do have my address book here. If I don't find any cards around the house, I might send handwritten letters with a Christmas seal stuck on the page. I guess I'm saying I'll probably send them again this year.
comment by troutbend on Dec 1, 2008 6:28 PM ()
Popping mine in the post this afternoon.
comment by nittineedles on Dec 1, 2008 12:21 PM ()
I card every year. Yeah it costs, but I enjoy knowing that the people I think about and care about will get something from me
comment by ducky on Dec 1, 2008 8:09 AM ()
It's a yearly quandary. I debate with myself. I hate to think of myself being too cheap to do it. But nothing new has happened in my life since last year. I wish you hadn't have brought it up!
comment by solitaire on Dec 1, 2008 6:50 AM ()
I haven't carded for several years but I do respond to those who card me. I write a note. Occasionally I will card someone I would have written to anyway. Not carding makes me feel selfish, but the effort has become major. You've gotten me thinking about it. I may go through my list and resurrect the effort for those afar whom I care about.
comment by tealstar on Dec 1, 2008 3:50 AM ()
I stopped many years ago.I'm just too lazy...Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Nov 30, 2008 9:28 PM ()

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