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Life & Events > Must Have a Book

Must Have a Book

Since today is dark and rainy I got in the mood for soup.
The only kind of soup I really know how to make well is beef vegetable, so I made the 50 mile round trip to the Lucedale Wallymart for ingredients.

Also, I was out of something to read. That just won't do. I have to have reading material or I get nervous. So browsed through the book and magazine section at Wallymart. There was a lot of Steven King books, lots of them his old novels in reprint, and quite a few of his new ones.

I stopped reading King after "The Dream Catcher." This book was about aliens who grew inside humans then exited through the anus, which literally tore the humans to bloody shreds.It was more gross than scary. It disgusted me enough I haven't read any more of his stuff.

There were several John Grisham books. I used to read him compulsively--his books were page turners. I couldn't put them down. But somewhere along the line, his books became ho-hum (to me) and I'm sorry about that.

There were a lot of Harlequin romances--I don't read those.
The true crime books I like, especially Ann Rule, were not on the shelves. The space had been taken over by kiddie lit.
I came home with nothing to read. Aaaargh!

Bye y'all, susil

posted on Nov 29, 2008 8:58 PM ()


Books are one of the necessities of life.
comment by elderjane on Dec 4, 2008 8:54 AM ()
There's an author I've been reading lately, Robert K. Tanenbaum, who writes about a family -- father, a Jewish prosecutor, mother an Italian lawyer who works security for battered women, a young daughter who is a language prodigy and is 12 going on 40. Elegant writer, great descriptive ability, intricate plots. They live in New York near Chinatown and his knowledge of the Chinese culture and customs is truly remarkable. I recommend.
comment by tealstar on Dec 1, 2008 3:57 AM ()
The Broker and An Innocent Man (first and only nonfiction) by John I think are very good...
comment by strider333 on Nov 30, 2008 12:22 AM ()
I know what you mean. When I travel I always carry two or three books in case I finish the one I'm reading. Gotta have a book. We're lucky here because the county library has a Help Yourself shelf at my post office, and people add to it in addition to what the library folks bring. There is another one of those shelves at the gate in our little tiny airport and it has been a lifesaver when the flights are delayed.
comment by troutbend on Nov 29, 2008 10:59 PM ()
I know what you mean about Grisham. Didn't he write a book about Christmas? Can you spell boring? Have never read Steven King. Try the library. They can also order you books from other libraries. And it's cheap.
comment by tealstar on Nov 29, 2008 9:57 PM ()
I know what you mean about getting nervous with nothing to read! A few of my favorites to pick up at Walmart are David Baldacci, Vince Flynn, Michael Connely...just to name a few!
comment by peanutsmom on Nov 29, 2008 9:03 PM ()

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