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Once In A Lifetime

Life & Events > Over One Thousand - Barely!

Over One Thousand - Barely!

Before I start, I need to say that if anyone is scrutinizing my friend list, trying to find the person, of course he's not there. To tell you the truth, he's probably still my friend, just MIA.

Well, last night when I was blogging, I noticed that I had 999 visitors. I was going to look to see who it was, so I could tell who my thousandth was, but forgot to do that because I very rarely look to see my visitors! Well, since then it seems that I've gotten really a very few visitors! No wonder I only have a thousand. (I'm trying really hard not to use exclamation points because I read in msn that they are low class. They also frowned on semi-colons which I also use.)

One thing I can't figure out is, why is the big news Hannah Montana? Yes, she is a role model for some young kids... So maybe soon they'll all have pictures of themselves with their backs showing? OMG, let's ban her immediately. I know second graders who know ALL of the profanities. No, I don't approve of young children speaking as some do... just saying Miley is not the worst kid in the world.


Here is an email service that does all the things listed. I have an account, but can't remember what my username is, but I can find out. The description follows:

All the features of Regular Webmail plus:

Self-Destructing Email
Recallable/Erasable Email
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It's bigstring (free): BigString Email<==Click


Here is part of a letter from my brother about a week ago:

"Do you watch "Nightline"? Last night they had a segment on the wall they are building between the U.S. and Mexico. It is a really ugly wall. Since the Rio Grande wanders a lot, our government has taken short cuts on building the wall and has cut through the property of U.S. citizens. Some of their property is on one side of the wall while the rest of their property is on the other side of the wall. In Brownsville, Texas, they are going to fence off a golf course on the other side of the wall to save money. The owner of the golf course asked the government, "How are the golfers going to get to the golf course?" The government reps said, "We don't know" Also in Brownsville there is is bridge between Mexico and the U.S. and people go back and forth pretty much as they please, and the wall only made for hard feelings from Mexico. What are you going to do? This wall seems to me like the Berlin Wall. Was it Bush's Idea?

Also on the same program, they showed a marathon on the Sahara Desert. What are these people, Nuts?"

You see, we think alike. Notice he doesn't use exclamation marks or semi-colons.

Well, that's all I can think of right now. So I guess that's all I'll write. Besides, I have to make dinner.

posted on Apr 28, 2008 6:06 PM ()


First of all, I think that Miley is a GREAT improvement over the likes of Britney and her clones, as far as role models for girls are concerned.
And, what's this garbage about not using exclamation points???!!!!!
comment by hayduke on May 1, 2008 6:20 AM ()
Miley is sedate compared to some teens. Most that I see are either sporting miles of cleavage or their tummies or both.
comment by elderjane on May 1, 2008 5:10 AM ()
I really need to watch news more. I haven't seen the picture of Miley yet that many are blogging about and I didn't know about the bridge they are building between Mexico and the U.S.
comment by hopefields on Apr 29, 2008 10:38 PM ()
As for exclamation points: at least we don't use them twice, as in Spanish. Miley with her father was more repulsive. And finally, the last opinion poll on the Mex. border wall was 50/50. (Has it cooled down in S. Cal?)
comment by solitaire on Apr 29, 2008 8:36 AM ()
The schools and even some English departments in colleges have put aside the rules of writing with regard to proper punctuation, sentence structure and more. I would never hire a writer who could not write in the English language. Maybe the newspaper editors will pay them to take notes.
comment by jondude on Apr 29, 2008 7:35 AM ()
I refuse to let anyone born after 1970 instruct me on
punctuation. Ah, the tyranny of dinner. Ed feels
unloved by anyone not cooking for him.
comment by tealstar on Apr 29, 2008 5:38 AM ()
Using proper grammar, spelling and punctuation is not low class!
comment by nittineedles on Apr 29, 2008 12:12 AM ()
I love exclamation points!!! And colons and semi-colons and commas,and all other punctuation and I am not low class--depending on how you define low class!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 28, 2008 8:04 PM ()
Congrats to you!
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 28, 2008 7:37 PM ()
I have to agree with you about the Miley "scandal". The press is blowing it way out of proportion. These 15 year old girls show more in a bikini on the beach than she shows in that picture. For heavens sake, all you see is her back. I saw part of the story about the marathon on the Sahara Desert and I have to admit I said the same thing.
comment by gapeach on Apr 28, 2008 7:36 PM ()

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