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Food & Drink > My Week-end is Starting ... ..

My Week-end is Starting ... ..

I'm feeling a lot better but hubby is sick as a dog. And Ladies, you all know how men are when their sick.......whiney!!!

I've got to tell you this, I made the mistake of going to Blogster last night and the woman that hubby stayed with while he was gone for 10 whole days is writing such crap it makes my stomach turn. And, of course i posted a blog there, and I won't be ashamed of it. This bitch and his sister have tormented me for so long now it is pathetic. When you have to get a man drunk so that he will sleep with you is rather gross, I want him to remember being with me, not wake up disgusted with himself for cheating on his wife. Anyway it's in the past and I just want to forget about it and them. Hubby and I are stronger than ever together, so much so, that we are renewing our vows on Thanksgiving, which happens to be our 18th anniversary. People make mistakes, we all must learn to forgive. I just hate that they say they found God, yet they talk crap about people all the time.

Hubby has this terrible cough and his ears are plugged which makes watching him walk fun. LOL! So I made him lemon and honey cough syrup, which actually works, it broke up the crud in his chest and his breathing is easier. For the ears I use a heating pad on the low setting and make him take turns on each side to relieve the pressure. That too, works. I'm the Queen of home remedies. Besides I told him that I'd make witches brew if he got any worse and that scared the hell out of him. Witches brew is when you take a onion, skin and all and boil the hell out of it and then add enough honey to make it palatable and drink it. An onion sandwich does the same thing but I love making witches brew.

Hubby's 53rd birthday is Tuesday and so is our grand-daughter's. I'm making cheeseburgers and cake for hubby and our grand-daughters birthday party will be at a bowling alley in a week or so after. I'm thinking of making her a cake and sneaking over with it before she gets home, cuz that's the kind of grandma I am. She calls me Grammy. She's so darn cute. Just talked to my step-daughter and she is coming over right now and then again on Tuesday. I'm so damn happy!!! I don't have to sneak a cake over they'll be here. Yeah!!!!

Now I have a dilemma...assistance greatly appreciated. My Jenn called Ra tonight and didn't know that he had handed me the phone and she was running amok at the mouth and said to him that she needed to talk to me about getting him down to Houston for Christmas but that he wasn't coming back but we wouldn't tell Grandma, ha-ha! I said real funny! She hung up. We have raised Ra for 10 out of his 11 1/2 years. He's not going anywhere. The man shot my daughter, what will he do to a 11 year old mouthy child? Not in my lifetime....NOOOO!!!!

Gotta get ready for the demon seeds, LOL!!! I love my grandkids...all of them. But these two are special to me. I'm a very blessed woman.

Happy Cooking,

posted on Nov 6, 2008 3:41 PM ()


I am so sorry to hear about your guys being sick. Feel better soon.
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 6, 2008 7:15 PM ()

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