Hubby and I are going shopping after work today. The birds and cats need food, Ra needs a new brake pad on his roller blades and the babies need more diapers. The potty training is going oh so slowly. I need new head phones for work and hubby needs to get out of the house and away from the babies for a few. My friend is going to keep the little darlings while we're out. I'm sure all I'm going to want to do is stay home and sleep but the price I pay for taking on more children is never ending. But, I'm not complaining, I actually am enjoying it. Don't tell anyone!
We're having our weekly bar-b-cue on Saturday again. We spend the whole day outside and play horseshoes and chase children with squirt bottles, it's fun. It's also family day with an open invitation to all family members to come and join us if they feel like it. Kath has been welcomed back into the fold and is on her best behavior. We don't tolerate much anymore. No drama, no BS, no ill will. Usually first thing in the morning the adult women will hit the thrift stores and then come back and prepare the foodstuffs. Kath actually had me make her spinach quiche last Saturday, she won't be getting that this week-end, it's too hot and humid.
I'll probably get the stuff to make pizza for supper this evening while hubby and I are out. All three kids love pizza.
Well, off to work I go. Have a great day all and stay cool.
Happy Cooking,