I've been working on my cookbook, that is gonna be multiple books but altogether if that makes any sense. I have several three ring binders and have made the categories in those books. Everything is hand written and I want to laminate each page, because a good cookbook has to be laminated if you prepare as sloppy as I do. LOL!!!
My printer doesn't work with my new computer so I have it hooked to Ra's puter and scan everything and then print it that way. Time consuming but well worth the headache.
Last night we had buffalo burgers and sweet potato french fries. Ra loves them and if I can get him to eat something besides pizza I'm happy. Even though I make the pizza at home 'd prefer he eat other things. Buffalo has no fat so I mix 1/4 cup of worcheshire sauce and 1/2 cup of olive oil together, I brush that on one side and sprinkle it with garlic powder and salt then when I set them on low heat I brush the other side and season it the same. Cook for 7 minutes on each side and serve. The fries are done in the oven, not deep fried and if the oven is hot enough you get the same effect as if you deep fried them. Good food and healthy!
I left the windows open last night as it was so lovely yesterday and for the first time I had all the clocks set ahead by 6 PM last night. I'm in bed by 7 PM every night lately and still up at 4 AM.
I was transferred to another department at work a couple of weeks ago and now they are upping my work load. I think that the bosses like the idea that I don't want to be friends with anyone. I put on my headphones and I work. I'm not interested in the day to day politics of the plant and I don't want to be involved with the petty bull crap. I want to do my job and go home. I don't want to be your friend and I don't want to hear your stories. Jokes...I'll listen to! The one thing I do is have a calendar at my table and if you want a cake or something cook able I will make it for you on your special day if you write your name on the calendar. One of the girls has a birthday on Wednesday this week and she asked me at Walmart the other day why I do this. I explained that I cook best and that is the best way I know how to honor someone. And everyone should have their birthday acknowledged with a cake or cupcake or like this week I'm making her a cheesecake.
I have like a hundred jokes to post and I guess you'll get sick of me today. I am hooked on Mafia Wars in Myspace. So if any of you are on Myspace add me to your friends list so I can get you on my mafia. You don't have to play the game just add the app and accept me and then go away. LOL!! My name is Happy.Cooking@yahoo.com. I also post recipes on my blog over there.

My kitties have their own area!!!
Happy Cooking!