I wish you could smell my house right now. We were going to spend the day outside and bar-b-cue, but we turned on the air conditioners and decided to watch movies and cook indoors. The best part about it is that hubby is doing the cooking and if it all tastes as well as it smells I'm gonna love life today.
First, hubby made a rub for the brisket and it is sitting in the fridge waiting to go in the oven at 250 degrees for three hours.
Hubby's Brisket Rub
First take liquid smoke and rub it into the brisket.
Mix together the following ingredients,
1 T paprika
1 T celery salt
1 T onion powder
1 T garlic powder
1/2 t salt
1 t pepper
1 t cayenne
Rub into brisket.
On a piece of foil put a thin layer of brown sugar, set your brisket on top and put more brown sugar on the top. Wrap securely and let sit in the fridge until ready to cook.
He then put chicken to marinate in Italian salad dressing and put that in the fridge to wait. He'll bake that at 250 also for three hours.
With the leftover cornbread, I made the other day, he has made a stuffing with hot Italian sausage and some cranberries and all sorts of things. He says all I have to do is put it all in the oven when I'm ready to. What a great guy!

Have a glorious day and I'll be back soon to post pics of the hot air balloons.
Happy Cooking,
He then