Wheat and rice flour have doubled and will soon have tripled. I use a lot of both, so I bought twelve 1-pound bags of white wheat flour, five unbleached and six boxes of rice flour. I put them in tight plastic seals and set them in my freezer. Flour freezes well if you keep the air away from it. I wish I could afford to do the same with gasoline... get a 1000 gallon tank and fill it. I know a farmer who did that last year when it cost him 2.39... smart man?, except like most farmers around here he planted too much corn. He should have planted wheat and soybeans, which have gone to the roof in price. There is a big surplus of corn and its price is down. There's a sucker born every election year, right?
I filled up yesterday morning...YIKES!!!
And to think I can remember when gas was 35 cents a gallon, tops!
sux doesn't it?
Love these. These are excellent!
Whoops...I meant to say below... "It's time's like this *I'm glad* I don't drive a big SUV."
Our gas is at $1.22/liter... so if I did the math correctly, that is actually $4.62 a gallon! WTF?!Times like this I don't drive a big gas guzzling SUV. I saw on the news last night this woman was complaining because it costs her $100/week to fill the tank. We average about $40 every two weeks. Yay us!
Ain't it the truth!!!
I heard all the good news on this,on the morning news. I do not pay any attention to it and go with the flow. What can you do?no matter how much if you complain no ones is listening.
And our friend Dick Cheney is talking to Middle East leaders about the situation? Fox in the hen house!
Fewer miles will be driven on vacations, if anyone has the bucks to take them. Here's my list of stocks to sell short:
Any Las Vegas or Atlantic City casino company. Cruise ship companies. Car companies heavy with SUV and truck outputs. Luggage companies. Airlines and airport service. Specialty food companies.
I am afraid we are going to have to start riding bikes and motorcycles if gas gets much higher.
If DH starts talking about a cycling tour for our vacation I'll just stay home.
Gas is much higher in your area! I'll stay in Oregon until summer when it will be $4.00 a gallon... then I would rather give an arm or leg. It is getting steep isn't it!