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Health & Fitness > Cell Phones and the Lab Rats

Cell Phones and the Lab Rats

Remember when the tobacco industry claimed that cigarettes didn't cause cancer nor were they addictive. They even had doctors smoking cigs on commercials plus Fred and Barney of the Flinstones teaching kids how to sneak away and have a smoke. Now enter the cell phone industry lobby, CTIA the wireless Association who just said a while ago that "peer-reviewed scientific evidence has over whelming indicated that wireless devices do not pose a public health risk".Even the FDA has their head up the lobbying ass saying that available science does not allow us to conclude that mobile phones are absolutely safe, or that they are unsafe." Well good luck finding independent studies exploring the potential dangers from Cell Phones in the United States. There really are none to be had.

However, Austrian researchers reported in 2004 that the radiation from these gadgets can induce double strand breaks in DNA, one of the undisputed causes of cancer. Lets look at research done by Henry Lai, a biologist at the University of Washington that said 25% of studies funded by the wireless industry show a biological effect from microwave radiation. Independent studies surprisingly show a 75% effect. More shocking independent research in Sweden last year concluded there was an amazing 420% increased chance of getting brain cancer for teenagers or younger when they first started using their cell phones. Swedish neuro-oncologist Leif Salford found that cell phone radiation kills brain cells in rats particularly those connected to memory and learning. This occurred after exposure of only two hours. In an Interphone study found after 10 years of use a chance of an adult getting a brain tumor goes up 40% and another reported almost 300% increase of a tumor of the acoustive nerve.Clearly with 4.5 billion users, this is not something the Cell Phone industry wants to hear nor do we. But as with smoking sooner or later the truth will make its way to the public. The sad thing about it is that we could be taking precautions right now to avoid potential health hazards. But in the end, it'll be a long time coming but meanwhile we'll all remain lab rat users.

posted on Mar 9, 2010 8:00 PM ()

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