Well something is broke...they can not be displayed...latest update?
posted on Mar 13, 2008 3:35 PM ()
I may look back, even write about the past, but golly, I never GO Back. That's sick and twisted. It ain't healthy I tell ya!
Blogster signed it's own death warrant. Suicide by unnecessary change. Puts me in mind of "New" Coke. When something is at the top of its game, don't fix it if it ain't broke!!
Yeah, they were down for about 2 days. They just seem to have problem after problem. That's what happens when you fix something that isn't broken!
I haven't been on over there for a couple of days. I will have to try it as of l2:30 a. m.
I have had no trouble with it today. AJ
whats that song, oh yeah...ding dong the witch is dead,
Why doesn't this surprise me?
I just checked it out.They are on.
since everyone left it was only a matter of time before it collapsed. it's sad, really
reguards yer sorry it came to this pal bugg
can't help you on this,have not been there. Notice that AJ is hanging around here some,though still waiting for him to post.