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A Path

Life & Events > Simplicity 20080923

Simplicity 20080923

Recently we haven't thought too much about what simple living or voluntary simplicity means for us, but a few months we made some process, and stopped there. We haven't figured the rest out yet.

I would like us to cook more at home (from scratch), but it takes time for cooking in the evening that we don't currently have. We have tried to avoid advertising for years, including using an ad blocker on the web browser. We also don't watch much TV, so we don't have cable. Most of what we do watch, which isn't much, I record and we skip the commercials. We play together. We will see how that changes as Kitty gets older and has teenage friends, like I wrote a few days ago. We have started taking steps to grow some of our own food in backyard gardens. We have chickens to provide some compost for the gardens and they provide eggs for us as well.

One thing that we need to work on is buying locally and in season. The other day when I was in the chain grocery store, I noticed that the produce area looks the same in any season. The fruits and vegetables just come from different countries at different times of the year. There are seasonal specials, but for the most part this is true.

We have never been collectors of stuff, but the clutter piles up anyway. We are trying to keep that under control. As I wrote a few days ago, a question that I learned from reading about voluntary simplicity online to use when thinking about buying something relates to just that: thinking before you buy. Do I need it or just want it? Stopping and thinking for a minute helps to break the chain of mindless consumerism.

With the increased cost of gas, we have thought about getting a newer car with better fuel efficiency, but the only ones are hybrids. I've read that the batteries for the Toyota Prius are so resource intensive to make that one needs to drive the car a hundred thousand miles to break even on carbon emissions. Refining the nickel for the NiMH batteries is the problem. The batteries need to be replaced after about seven years, so it's a no win situation.

Given the resources needed to manufacture any new car, driving a used car makes more sense.

posted on Sept 23, 2008 8:20 AM ()


The 1970's was the initiation for me into all of this. It all made sense and we've lived it since then. I find re-cycling, re-use, re purpose so much fun and so creative.
"Waste not want not" old and true to this day...
comment by anacoana on Sept 25, 2008 11:50 AM ()
We live simply here--as far as food and entertainment. We do squander, however, in so many ways. I think that one can always improve and learn from past mistakes.
comment by angiedw on Sept 23, 2008 1:22 PM ()
Very good post!! We cook from home about 98% of the time. It is healthier and definitely less expense!! That is so true your phrase: "Do I need it or just want it?" Exactly, kind of like my next to last post of living within your means. It is so easy to get into that trap of buying *new things* when so many of us really when you stop and think about it can make do with what you have. I have a set of Christmas themed dishes that I received as a Christmas gift a few years back. They are so nice and we use them for Christmas day dinner. Before then I used the Christmas paper plates. I still do for Thanksgiving use the themed paper plates but, only buy those when we have company. If it is just us I used everyday plates here that I already have. And you are right driving a used car makes more sense!!

comment by texastar on Sept 23, 2008 9:15 AM ()

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