Dolly and I went to the mall for a bit today. Kitty is out on a Girl Scout camping trip. At the mall, the seasonal Christmas store (mostly ornaments) that one of the department stores sets up is open. Not only is it not Halloween, it's not even Oct yet.
posted on Sept 27, 2008 5:49 PM ()
I know all the stores are really hoping that the holidays will bring them into the black this year. With the way the economy is right now I think it's less commercialization with the early displays and more desperation.
isn't that crazy???
What happened to Thanksgiving? Here in the lovely hills of NorthWest Georgia we jump from July 4th to Christmas with little in between. I like the Harvest themes and colors and all. Feel just a little bit cheated.
To commercialized IMHO. My Fry is looking forward to Halloween, no X-mas stuff around us yet, pretty sure he'd have a ton of questions if we saw ornaments in the stores rather than pumpkins.
stupid stores anyway!
all I can say is...ugh! way too early. whatever happened to thanksgiving being the kick off of the Christmas season?
That is the way it always is, it seems. I am just not in the Christmas spirit in September!!!!!!!!!!
Heavens! I guess the economy has the stores in a panic. I wonder when things wll be on sale this year?