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Life & Events > Govt Baloney

Govt Baloney

GOVERNMENT ISSUED BALONEY is alive and well in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). CNN reports that the EPA has announced that the nation’s drinking water systems are so deteriorated that a $384 Billion upgrade must be accomplished within the next 17 years in order to maintain a safe supply.

But don’t worry, says Peter Grevatt, director of the EPA’s Office of Ground Water & Drinking Water (they probably call this the OGWDW). “The drinking water is safe.”

Thank you, Peter. I feel so reassured and, by the way, extremely thankful that I thought several years ago to install a triple filtration water system in my house.

Of course, our aging water pipes aren’t the only aspect of the country’s infrastructure needing updating, and President Obama has pushed this topic since he first took office. The problem, of course, is that all this costs M O N E Y (pronounced moan-eee). How much improvement of our water systems might we accomplish with the money presently being misspent overseas? How much highway repair could be done with the money thrown into war materials? Might not the U.S. citizens who see their government spending money to better their lives be more grateful than the Afghans who hate our guts notwithstanding all the billions of American dollars given to them?

If John McCain had his way, it’d be even worse. He wants to save every victim of despots all over the world. He feels we have the moral obligation to be the planet’s policeman. With his more than comfortable senatorial salary, he is not capable of grasping the nature of the suffering of people right here in the good ol’ U S of A.

Our own government may not be killing us with guns and mortars, but they are certainly doing a good job of looking the other way (e.g. overseas) while many of our own citizens suffer from ongoing governmental neglect of home issues. What this country needs is more unemployed politicians.

I think one of my problems is that I’m not bilingual… I don’t speak Bureaucratese.

posted on June 7, 2013 7:23 AM ()


now that was a good whinge about what's going on in government , same thing here , last year the desalination plant that has been built to save us from shortages and restricted supply was fired up for the first time after our long drought.
Now there are people complaining of the cost, the government can't win
comment by kevinshere on June 9, 2013 11:32 PM ()
We can spend money to bail out failing businesses, and we can throw money to fight a battle we have no way of winning. We can give money to countries who would like nothing more then to wipe us off the face of the earth. But we can't spend the money to take care of people in this country, and make sure our needs are met. We have people who don't have a place to live, or food to eat...and if we complain we are simply told we must "suck it up". Well I am tired of sucking it up and sacrificing, it is time for our needs to be met.
comment by redwolftimes on June 7, 2013 9:26 PM ()
Right on!
reply by steeve on June 8, 2013 12:35 PM ()
Throwing money at children in our country who are not adequately
nourished or clothed would be a big step forward but it would probably be
swallowed up in some kind of bureaucratic boondoggle.
comment by elderjane on June 7, 2013 1:55 PM ()
Is "bureaucratic boondoggle" redundant??
reply by steeve on June 7, 2013 2:19 PM ()
I wonder why 17 years? Will the copper in pipes start disintegrating, or pollutants start overwhelming the system, etc, by then?
comment by drmaus on June 7, 2013 10:22 AM ()
However they computed it, to me 17 years is in effect the day after tomorrow.
reply by steeve on June 7, 2013 2:22 PM ()
I remember as a kid in Catholic school how they always wanted us to give money to feed some hungry kids in some far away place. No thought to helping those people help themselves or control the population. I didn't know at the time that most of the supplies sent to such places are pilfered by the military and local warlords before people in need get a shot at it. There are limits to what outsiders can do, and certainly throwing money at most problems doesn't help.
comment by jjoohhnn on June 7, 2013 8:47 AM ()
I don't trust any charities, esp. ones that call on the phone. Their incompetence and administrative costs eat up a majority of what's given to them.
reply by steeve on June 7, 2013 9:55 AM ()

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