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Life & Events > Being There

Being There

A FEW YEARS back I researched places I might choose to live. This excluded Utah, where I now live, which kills me with state income tax every year. I have a retirement income that I earned in Florida which Utah now taxes. This infuriates me, especially since I cannot name one single benefit that accrues to me as a result of this (other than being able to live in Utah, of course).

So the idea of living in a state without an income tax (like Florida) crosses my mind every now and then. Tennessee has a limited state income tax and I've read things about Chattanooga that make it sound attractive to me. Then, in the middle of all this, my sister moved to Chattanooga! I had not counseled her on this. She did her own research. Now she discreetly continues to remind me how much she likes it there. She has three primary selling points.

The first, naturally, is that she's there. She and I have rarely lived in the same area and being able to see each other regularly would be nice.

Secondly, I have been a Dodger fan since their days in Brooklyn and they happen to have a farm club there -- the Chattanooga Lookouts. I could see myself getting season tickets to the 70 home games.

Thirdly, Chattanooga has close to 20 Krystal restaurants! I could pig out on Krystal burgers every other day for the rest of my life. Utahns wouldn't know a Krystal from a crystal. I remember eating the Fifties south Florida version of Krystals -- Royal Castle burgers -- when they cost 15 cents each. For another 5 cents, you could wash it down with a birch beer.

There are additional factors, of course. Access to decent medical care, proximity to relatives, & weather issues to name three. Then there are the "competing" factors, the reasons we like being where we are. It is a quandary we will eventually have to resolve.

posted on June 27, 2013 8:25 AM ()


And I assume D does not mean it in the same sense Mark Sanford did.
comment by miker on July 1, 2013 12:09 PM ()
I presume not.
reply by steeve on July 1, 2013 1:24 PM ()
As I type this comment I'm drinking a great Stout brewed right here in Tennessee. I'm considering a short walk to grab a few cheese Krystal's. Oh and did I mention I have tickets for the Lookouts game on Fourth of July which will be followed by Fireworks. Gosh Steve sure wish you were here
comment by chattcat on June 29, 2013 2:29 PM ()
reply by miker on July 1, 2013 12:06 PM ()
I think I've decided against the Naples trip...
reply by steeve on June 29, 2013 6:25 PM ()
It seems to me every state will get you in some way, whether it's income tax or ... I don't know. If I were comfortable in a dry climate, I'd consider Utah because of that gorgeous scenery.
comment by drmaus on June 28, 2013 7:36 AM ()
That's what got us to move here in the first place...
reply by steeve on June 29, 2013 6:24 PM ()
Where to retire too would depend firstly if you wanted to stay near family ,, then your favourite things to do ,, fishing golf . and other pursuits, retirement villages are all around aussie offering just about every thing , I live near family and travel around a fair bit and it suits me
comment by kevinshere on June 28, 2013 1:01 AM ()
My favorite pursuits are things that I can do anywhere, so fortunately that doesn't enter into the equation. I don't fish & I think golf should be at least a misdemeanor. If I had my life to live over again I'd live over a delicatessen...
reply by steeve on June 29, 2013 6:23 PM ()
The Indian word for Chattanooga means "Humid."
comment by hobbie on June 27, 2013 6:24 PM ()
Good point, Hobster.
reply by steeve on June 27, 2013 6:55 PM ()
Florida does not have a state income tax, but where you live in Florida is key because there may be multiple taxing districts. There is a homestead exemption that is good and makes your house safe from civil suits. Hapless home buyers who bought in Cape Coral not too long ago, learned that they would be assessed for the laying of sewer lines -- $20,000 I think was the minimum. Homeowners/floor/wind insurance is high for waterfront property. Our rates for this will go up at least 5 - 7% next year. We are being overtaxed for fire protection -- 3 new fire stations have been built in our area that has fewer than 3 fires a year (two of those were arson -- a disgruntled cracker torched the Post Office -- government, you know). Anyway, I think Tennessee sounds good. Keep us poted.
comment by tealstar on June 27, 2013 5:24 PM ()
I vacillate like a tuning fork... [throwing up hands in disgust]
reply by steeve on June 27, 2013 6:51 PM ()
Utah maintains their roads better than the surrounding states - you can always tell where the state line is - bad road becomes good road. Other than that and the low humidity, and the scenery... But I agree that everywhere has scenery (some places more than others). What about all those feral cats? That'd be wrenching to say goodbye to them, but not the end of the world.
comment by troutbend on June 27, 2013 3:09 PM ()
She'd have to recruit a replacement. She took over from a guy who was dying from Agent Orange induced cancer.
reply by steeve on June 27, 2013 6:54 PM ()
The deep South and Santa Fe are my preferred places to live. My family is here and that is what holds me in place because it is more important than
all else to me. I wouldn't stay in Utah for a minute and continue to freeze
my fanny off. You just have to weigh all the factors.
comment by elderjane on June 27, 2013 2:04 PM ()
Freeze? Our predicted high today is 100 degrees! Oh, you mean in the winter?! I can get used to the cold; it's the dang snow that is getting harder for me to handle.
reply by steeve on June 27, 2013 2:16 PM ()
Sounds like a win-win-win proposition. I know you love the scenery out there, but Tennessee has some beautiful areas also. Google "Stunning Tennessee scenery".
comment by miker on June 27, 2013 9:06 AM ()
My wife's enduring dream is to hike the whole length of the AT. We did four days/nights back in about '92. I'm having trouble imagining 6 months on the trail with rain practically every day. But, granted, one can find scenery anywhere (perhaps excluding the middle of the country).
reply by steeve on June 27, 2013 2:19 PM ()

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