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That's All She Wrote

Home & Garden > Garden & Yard Tour

Garden & Yard Tour

The garden looked beautiful yesterday. Lots of things are in full bloom.

Thought I'd share it with you ...

These are the strawberries we could "rescue" before the birds and squirrels get em'

These two hanging baskets seem to thrive where they are. They get the cool early morning eastern sun.

I put some red leaf lettuce in a container. It's ready to harvest.

Yellow Coreopsis finds it's way around the yard than just the one place we actually planted it. It's crowding out that poor rose bush.

Sweet potato vine grows in an elevated container near the back door. By summers end, it's vines will reach the ground.

My husband built an arbor for me, over the wooden gated entrance to the back yard, when we first moved in. Sweet pea (not in bloom yet) grows up one side and Clematis grows up the other side.

I love these day lilies.

These are the enamelware pots that my granddaughter drowns when she's "helping" with the watering. They don't have any drainage holes and since they are closest to the water hose, she immediately starts with them on each and every trip to fill up her watering can.

This is the view from the back door.

This is the area just off the sun room. The sliding glass door wall is just to the left. That is my bedroom window.

This little fountain sits just to the left of our bedroom window. I like the sound of it, when I'm going to bed, but my husband says it sounds like someone is peeing, lol... so we have to take turns leaving it on and turning it off, sigh.

This is the view from the childrens play structure.

Here is the play structure. My granddaughter is the only one who really plays on it anymore. There is a sandbox underneath the fort that no one is allowed to play in as I'm just sure it is the stray cats litter box, yuck. My husband wants to remove the play structure and put in a patio area for a grill and bar.

This is just off the driveway before entering the back yard. There is a little cutout there that we set up a table for the kids when they play basketball or whatever in the driveway.

The pool.

Hope you enjoyed the tour.

Have a great weekend!

posted on June 20, 2008 5:17 AM ()


What a pleasure looking into your life via your house and yard. I may have to do the same.
comment by solitaire on June 22, 2008 7:46 AM ()
What a beautiful and comfy looking home you have.The garden and plants are awesome.Thanks for the tour,I really enjoyed it.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on June 20, 2008 8:50 PM ()
What a green thumb you have!! Congratulations!
comment by marta on June 20, 2008 5:26 PM ()
That's so pretty...I love it..
comment by elfie33 on June 20, 2008 11:27 AM ()
Wow... what a gorgeous yard and garden! It's like heaven in your own back yard.
comment by mellowdee on June 20, 2008 8:28 AM ()
wow! that is gorgeous Terri! I love it! thanks for sharing with us!
comment by elkhound on June 20, 2008 6:10 AM ()
You must have a green thumb and time and patience to do all that beautiful gardening AND take pics of it. Thanks for sharing! You may have motivated my mom to grow some lettuce in a planter, too.
comment by kewpster on June 20, 2008 5:37 AM ()
Really nice! I love your habitat! And you have your very own Pepsi machine!
comment by jondude on June 20, 2008 5:32 AM ()

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