Sexy Sadie


Sexy Sadie
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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > Relationships > Weekend and a Fireplace to Boot

Weekend and a Fireplace to Boot

I had a rather fantastic weekend, starting with a quiet Friday night.

Saturday, I meet up with Jackie, my long distance running buddy and we headed to the Santa Monica Pier. We ran to Venice Beach, back to the pier and almost to Sunset Blvd. An eleven mile run in total.

We then walked 2 miles back to Venice to eat at a little cafe which had yummy egg white omelets stuffed with veggies and mozzarella cheese. And then strolled the 2 miles back to the car to keep stretching out our tired legs.

When I got home, I cleaned up and rubbed Tiger Balm liberally on my legs and shoulders and tried to nap. With sleep evading me and yet still being very tired, I called Thom to find out what he wanted to do. He offered to let me rest at home and fix me breakfast in the morning, I opted to make dinner for him which we used in our breakfast the next day. FYI - Salmon Cakes with Creamy Ginger-Sesame Sauce makes an excellent main course and then a fabulous eggs benedict the next morning.

Before we had dinner Thom had built a blazing fire in his fireplace and I teased him that it would be nice if he didn't have the dogs around. Before I knew it the dogs were swept into his bedroom and a blanket was on the floor. To keep things clean, I will just say it was HOT!

Not much after dinner, I was fast asleep. At 2am I woke up and he was wide awake watching Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles. He started talking to me when I opened my eyes and I woke completely and watched the movie with him. We made jokes at the expense of the movie. How could we not?!

He told me this is what happens every weekend, I fall asleep, and he tries to do the same. My poor insomniac has to deal with his near narcoleptic girlfriend. We make a funny pair sometimes.

Thom and I made like couch potatoes for the rest of Sunday till 6 when I departed with my vacuum to loan to my friends who just bought their first condo. Congrats to them!

Sunday evening, I was back to my Spark Bootcamp which paid off with two pounds lost when I weighed-in on Monday morning.

Schwooooo! Overall a rather lovely weekend.

posted on Jan 13, 2009 12:38 PM ()

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