I've been having the hardest time transitioning from the weekend back to the work week. Monday's are the hardest.
I need to shift my attitude back to a positive one. Most of you know I'm a fairly positive person but my current job is pulling me into the dark side of myself. The gloomy, sad side of myself. I don't like to be this unhappy.
But today, Tuesday is better. I'm feeling more myself today.
The other side of my life, my relationship side is going well, too well and now TBD and are both delaying the "talk." I'm not ready for the talk because I fear that it will cause us to break up over my cats and his dogs.
Break up: well, though TBD and I don't really call each other boyfriend/girlfriend we have grown very close these past couple months. And Saturday he was even more affectionate in front of our mutual friends. I also caught the computer slide show on his computer and commented on it. He responded sheepishly, "oh, you're not really supposed to have pictures of naked girls on your computer when you have a girlfriend." I asked him if he knew any of them, he didn't, and I told him it didn't matter to me then. It doesn't, and I smile as I type this as it still makes me laugh. Boys will be boys even if they did just turn 40.
I told TBD that I might just have to share some of my own photography that I took back in November when I was getting used to my smaller physique. It was really a very empowering process for me to really see the changes to my body. I highly recommend it for any woman who doubts her sexual power. I had a lot of fun playing with lighting and angles. Gotta love digital cameras and the 10 second timer.
I had already shown him the sketches I had made to a couple canvases that I had planned to paint. I lost my muse in December and the sketches remain unpainted at the moment. Something else that needs to change in my life. I need to find inspiration again. Alas, TBD is not my muse.
At least my life is anything but boring.
Believe that you'll receive what you're asking for.
And sure as sh!t, you'll get it.