So while I'm venting, I have to blog about my father.
We've had a rocky life together. From the age of 12-23 we fought about the stupidest things and it got ugly often. At 23 things changed between us because I moved 2,000 miles away to California and while he was still being ugly about it, my brother stepped in and mentally bitch slapped him. Telling him that he's driving me away and if he doesn't support me, I will never see him again.
And that was true. I wanted to start a new life on my own, out of the shadow of my verbally abusive father. After the move my father became a different person with me. He was very supportive and when I worked on TV shows with big names he became my biggest fan, bragging on me to all his friends.
The past decade has been great with him but this past visit has left an aftertaste of the old times. Not one word was said about my weight-loss (I'd lost another 12 pounds since they saw me last) and not one positive word about my running a charity 10K.
In fact, he refused to let me go on a job when we were in Yosemite National Park. When we went to my favorite lunch spot M bragged on me, "Aren't you proud of your little girl? She's running a marathon." My father's response, "That's what she tells us."
I brought them into my work place to show them around and introduced them to my co-workers. My running partner E mentioned to them that she was running the 10K with me and my father gave her a dirty look.
Bloody Hell!
Does he think I'm lying about the 10K? I don't get it! Why is my own father not supporting me in one of the biggest challenges of my life?
So I'm gonna make sure to have a photographer at the finish line taking photos of me running and finishing a 10K. Now, I'm not just running this for me and not just for charity but also for my nay-saying, stick-in-the-mud father.
By-the-way, I'm really excited about this 10K. Training for this has been one of the hardest things I have ever done. It's been a struggle to train my lungs as well as my legs to run for longer distances. I do like a challenge though and I will happily run/walk the 6.2 miles to cross that finish line.
Chin up and tits out SIKAW. You've proven over and over and over again that all you need is YOU in order to make your dreams come true and girl, for that you should be SUPER proud!!
And PS, although on the outside he may not seem very supportive, I'm SURE he's gleaming with pride on the inside! I'm sure of it.