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Sleepy, Very Sleepy
Sleepy, Very Sleepy
I'm completely exhausted from my week of dog sitting. TBD called me back last night and was ready to send puppy to the pound but I told him I wasn't going to do that. I may not like the peeing 60lb puppy but I'm not taking him to the county shelter.
So he calmed down and called the dog rescue lady and his friend Mary. Mary talked him out of sending puppy to a kennel and she volunteered to take over all dog sitting duties. With me and the rescue lady as backups.
He thanked me over and over again, and told me he wasn't mad at me for being tired of taking care of his pups. He felt really bad that I've had to take care of them past Sunday and promised to make it up to me. I told him truthfully that I was exhausted, in pain from my cramps starting, and that I really missed my kitty cats. He understood and was also sorry that his venting his anger with me on the phone had upset me.
I was in tears while on the phone with him. I feel so helpless as I'm sure he does. I wish I could pay to kennel the dogs myself and send them to one with obedience training. Who knows what else they will destroy with him still gone.
I can't say I'm sorry to leave my doggy hell, as I am not sorry. I am delighted to return to my normal life. Tonight I'm walking in the park with some friends after work and returning to my own apartment and my lovely and lonely kitty cats.
I can't wait
... and crossing fingers that nothing else goes wrong because I just can't do it another day. If for no other reason than I'm out of clean underwear in my overnight bag.
posted on Aug 19, 2008 11:26 AM ()
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