Sexy Sadie


Sexy Sadie
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Can't Buy Me Love

Parenting & Family > Pets > Guess What Happened

Guess What Happened

That's right I'm back at TBD's house. And his chair cushion is demolished as well as a couple flip flops. I'm not the only one stressed out by TBD's absence. I entered to this view of destruction tonight.

I got a call from Dave just before 6pm who is not feeling well and asked if I could dog sit another night. Since he had a some sort of minor stroke on Friday, I wasn't about to say no, even though as soon as I hung up I burst into tears at work.

I really, really wanted to sleep in my own bed tonight and hang out with my own pets. Instead the lovely Lore went to my apartment and fed my kitties for me. My kitties are so starved for attention that they both hovered around her and greeted her warmly. Especially my shy little Rigby. Sarge even curled up in her lap when she sat down. Awe!

Did I mention that I'm hard core PMSing? Wow, am I ever. I sobbed for several minutes after feeding the dogs. Luckily I had some motrin with me. I'm just so miserable right now that I didn't even finish my comfort food that I bought on my way over here - a garden burger with cheese and french fries. I ate less than half and then threw out the rest.

Just got a call from TBD, after I sent him the text with the above photo. I'm now thinking I shouldn't have burdened him with this mess. He's infuriated with Dave for bailing and I got an earful - with several apologies for yelling and telling me he's not mad at me. I'm sure he is a little bit though for throwing this back at him on short notice.

I'm just so tired - so stressed - and so miserable that I don't care if he's mad. I just really miss my cats, my bed, and my exercise routine. PMS makes me very selfish.

The only saving grace is that Ben is curled up next to me on the couch and Puppy is fast asleep in his crate. Not quite the blissful evening I was hoping for but at least I have peace and quiet at the moment.

Did I mention that I need a vacation?

posted on Aug 18, 2008 9:36 PM ()


I have 5 dogs,but I have plenty of safe toys for them.I think mrsstu is right,the dog misses his master and is acting out.I hope you get to sleep in your own bed with your kitties tonight.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Aug 19, 2008 5:16 PM ()
Sweetie, this isn't your fault! They are acting out because their owner isn't home and they probably miss him as much as you do. Ack!! I'm so not a dog person. ::hugs::
comment by mrsstu on Aug 19, 2008 8:50 AM ()
Seriously. Here are a BUNCH of hugs for you. I hope that it gets better. And remember the sun will come out tomorrow!
comment by spicybitch on Aug 19, 2008 7:43 AM ()
1. Shoot the dog.
2. Buy a cat.
3. Go have a decaf latte, followed by a giant pitcher of Margaritas.
comment by jondude on Aug 19, 2008 6:21 AM ()
um, sweetie, Strike that and reverse it. He should have lined up a pet sitter if he was going to be gone so long so HE should feel guilty... that or paid you for your time, as they are obviously a handful...
SORRY you are so stressed, don't feel bad for him - he has it made on this deal....
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 19, 2008 5:43 AM ()
Oh my what an awful day your having, here's some big ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))) for you.
Pets can be so un-predictable, I feel for you sweetie.
comment by lynnie on Aug 18, 2008 9:42 PM ()

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