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Can't Buy Me Love

Parenting & Family > Pets > Puppy Stress

Puppy Stress

I'm so tense from six days of dog & puppy sitting. I don't think I could do that full time. TBD had set it up so that someone else helped me each day so I could check in on my kitties in the evening after work and stay each night with his dogs. I had to stay last night as well so his friend Dave could take over later today.

I'm still tense from the experience. I salute you, Kristilyn! I just don't have the patience in me for dog sitting... well puppy sitting. The large puppy gets on my last nerve and makes me such a bitch. All I do is say "No, Down, Sit, Out of the Kitchen, Go Pee, PLEASE GO PEE, No Lick, No Jump, Sit, Out, No, Down!"

And the worst part was when Dave came over to meet the puppy for the first time and get a key, it was the good dog that ran out the door and down the street. Ben was so deceptive and it looked like he was just walking slowly up to greet Dave and then he slipped past him at a run.

I chased Ben on bare feet to the intersection and screamed when he almost got hit. I was so traumatized and so was Ben. He ran back to me on the side walk and I dragged him home by the collar. Luckily I had put the puppy in the back yard and he was safe and sound during the chase.

Dave and I promised NOT to tell TBD. The last thing he needs to hear after witnessing his grandmother's death is that his beloved dog, Ben almost got hit by a car. I feel so guilty that I didn't have my guard up when Dave came in and that Ben almost got hit... seriously only inches from the speeding cars on the street.

Man, I feel so awful.

I wasn't even going to blog about this but I'm still so stressed about it. It doesn't help that I'm PMSing and that I'm almost in tears just typing this. TBD had lectured me just an hour before to make sure Dave was careful not to let them run out as he knew that Dave wouldn't do everything in his power to keep them inside. He specifically commented that he knew I would do anything and everything I could to keep them safely inside the house.

I had to kick puppy in the chest on Saturday so he couldn't leap out the door when I was carrying in water. After throwing him to the ground by the neck to discipline him, he then sat patiently several feet from the door while I brought in the other pack of water bottles. I immediately gave him a treat for being good for a change. As TBD had said it's better to kick them than have them get hit by a car.


After all this, I really don't think I can handle the responsibility of caring for large dogs. I don't know what to do... I don't want to give him an ultimatum to give up the puppy but I also don't want a future of taking care of two large dogs that are going to bolt for the door each time I open it.

The only enjoyable time I had this weekend (aside from dancing on Friday night) was the few hours I spent in my own apartment after spin class with my purring kitty cat, Sarge curled up in my lap. pure bliss

Sadly I no longer want to have a dog of my own. I think I'll stick with my cats.

posted on Aug 18, 2008 4:29 PM ()


and this is exactly why I'm a "cat person"
comment by mrsstu on Aug 19, 2008 8:47 AM ()
It's tough to watch someone else's dogs. I have had the experience of chasing Spike at my aunt's house across 4 lane highways as well. I got a huge migraine. Somehow if it's all meant to be it will all work out. A lot of times they are testing you and their boundaries. I know Spike will do stuff that he wouldn't dare around me for Kristy when she's watching him for me. And other people's dogs too. Watch Ceasar Milan on the National Geographic Channell. You'll see you just need to be calm and assertive... I know that if it's all meant to be it will work out. I am sure that TBD does appreciate you greatly. I know too what its like to just want your own bed. I watched my one gf's dog for 10 days while she was in foreign country. The dog was a hellion.. I called it a tibetian terrier. I swore I would never get a puppy. Look where I am now.
comment by spicybitch on Aug 18, 2008 8:04 PM ()
Stick to the kitties....
comment by strider333 on Aug 18, 2008 5:35 PM ()
One trick I use,because I have 5 dogs,of which 3 are large ,is enter with one knee up.I say back while I am coming in with knee raised to my chest.I am lucky to have a gated entryway too,so they can't get away.Good luck!!!Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Aug 18, 2008 5:30 PM ()
OMG! Um.... you might want to request he call a pet sitter...
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 18, 2008 4:50 PM ()
Whew that does sound stressful..
comment by elfie33 on Aug 18, 2008 4:43 PM ()
Sister they sound like hellions... I don't blame ya one single bit. Don't feel bad!!! I know that's easier to say than do, but you have taken GREAT care of TBD's dogs so take pride in that. The FIRST NIGHT that R stayed with me as a roommate I left a door open and Tucker ran out... Poor R had to chase him across 4 lane highways! I felt AWFUL, but he totally forgave me.
Please don't beat yourself up over it though, seriously. All is well and that is all that matters. Puppies, when they aren't your own, can be annoying - same with adult dogs when you are used to their quirks.
Hang in there! When is he coming back?
Take some deep breaths. I am sure TBD Appreciates this more than you know right now! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 18, 2008 4:39 PM ()

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