Sexy Sadie


Sexy Sadie
Los Angeles, CA
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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > Relationships > Blew off Some Steam

Blew off Some Steam

And I did it with style, flare and completely uninhibited.

I had plans to go out for a drink after work with the girls on Friday after we got paid and since TBD had another friend taking care of the "boys" during the afternoons, I didn't break those plans.

I met up with Jules, E and Lo for a drink at the cheesy Italian joint up the street. Steph and Joe joined us as well and we indulged in pizza, lasagna and chopped salads with our beer and wine. Joe revealed that not only was it his last day at work till a new project pops up but that it was also his 55th birthday. So we immediately broke out in chorus.

Jules wanted to check out a bar in NoHo so we left them as the others in the group had plans to meet up with some real Italians. Lo was apprehensive and got the address of the bar from Jules.

The Good Night Bar was a dark and plush little bar. Jules and I easily made friends with the bartender. Since it was early on a Friday night we practically had the bar to ourselves. There was a stripper pole that rotated. Jules and I tested out our prowess on the pole. We both managed a basic spin as we'd never had the chance to test out one. If I gave it a running start I could grab the pole a little higher. It was fun but I've got some nasty bruises on my legs right now.

Sadly we only had camera phones with us and no flash to capture the motion. LOL

E, Lo and Joe showed up and we did some "Irish Car Bombs" - a dark heavy beer that you drop a shoot glass of Baileys and pound. Jules and I had already started dancing before the rest showed up and we all danced until 11pm.

We danced for Joe to brighten up his birthday, I danced on top of the table, I danced around the pole, I spun on the pole, I danced with the girls and I danced in front of Joe. One of the songs that played was Brass in Pocket by the Pretenders and Joe was shocked I knew the song. I had to tell Joe - who didn't want to reveal his age that I was 35 and I told him that my family did a lot of road trips when I was a kid listening to pop music of the time. I love the songs from that era, especially Blondie, the Pretenders, Pat Benetar, Heart, etc.

The bartender and I had a little thing going with my water refills. After the last Irish Car Bomb I switched to water as I'm a complete light weight and I knew that I wouldn't need anything but water for the rest of the night. If I went back to the bar and the glass was full with water he'd ask, "How much do you love me." I would hold out my hands wide. I came back later and it was empty and I looked at him and pushed my hands together indicating that my love was decreasing. He immediately filled the glass and I widened my hands. It was funny - maybe you had to be there.

Anyway, I had a blast dancing at this little club with the girls and Joe. Joe was shocked that I was so much fun outside of work. I told him that I'm unhappy at work so I'm a very different person there. That wasn't the case before but it is now. E and Lo told him that I'm a blast to hang out with outside of work. In fact I was out dancing last Friday with Jules, E and Lo and had a blast with them on the made up dance floor. I guess we're starting a new tradition.

I do miss TBD. He's gonna be back in town next weekend for a couple days before heading off for a week in the desert. I can't afford to go as the tickets to the event are around $300 not to mention all the gear and food you need for a week - plus getting time off work. It'll be good for him to blow off some stream after attending his grandmother's funeral and cleaning out her house this weekend.

He seems to be coping well and he's surrounded by his family which is good. It's just been a rough couple of weeks for both of us... him more so than myself.

Hope all of you are having a great weekend.

posted on Aug 16, 2008 11:48 AM ()


I am envious of your pole dancing prowess. You go with your bad self. Way to keep yourself amused, entertained and happy! I hear ya about cash. It's going to be a tight few weeks for me with spike going to the vet, taking him the kennell and heading to CO for the labor day weekend.
comment by spicybitch on Aug 18, 2008 10:32 AM ()
Sounds like you had way too much fun! I"m totally jealous!!!! You go girl. Never tried pole dancing.
comment by kissy2008 on Aug 18, 2008 9:05 AM ()
I hope you and TBD get to spend some time together soon.
comment by mrsstu on Aug 17, 2008 8:23 AM ()
How fun!!! I wish I knew how to dance without looking like a complete tard, alas I do not. haha
I am glad you had a GREAT night!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 16, 2008 12:55 PM ()
That's one thing I never tried,pole dancing.Sounds like fun except for the bruises.Hmm,I have a sudden urge to try this now.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Aug 16, 2008 12:11 PM ()

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