Sexy Sadie


Sexy Sadie
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Can't Buy Me Love

Parenting & Family > Pets > Lack of Patience

Lack of Patience

I usually have an abundance of patience but lately my patience is waning especially with TBD's rescued puppy. His 3 year old pitt is so sweet and so well behaved and spoons with me at night. LOL

But the ginormous puppy who has grown larger than his pitt bull buddy won't stop squirting when he's excited. My patience grows thin when I get peed on. And I got peed on a lot the last two nights. I don't understand why he doesn't just go outside to pee. I let him out in the mornings and have to walk him out, hold him away from me so I'm not in the squirt zone and stand there until he calms down to pee. If I walk inside he'll follow me.

It's like he's worried he'll be left out or something and following people around is more important than taking 10 seconds to relieve himself.

I need to do some research because this is getting old. And I find myself giving more attention to ole Ben. The first night when I was indulging in pizza, having just gotten up about four times to make him sit away from the table so he won't beg, I then found myself just pushing him away with my foot and telling him to F-off.

He's so stubborn that I can't just knock him to the floor, grab him by the neck and show him I'm alpha. Sometimes he squirms and at 60lbs and all muscle he forces me to kneel on him to keep him down. This usually works and he behaves for an hour or so.

Seriously, I thought I had a high tolerance but with that puppy, I don't.


TBD didn't call last night and instead texted me. He asked about the "boys" and I sent him some photos to show him they were okay. He said he missed me, I certainly miss him.

Ben is on the left, Puppy Ty on the right

Ben is on the right, blurry Puppy Ty on the left

posted on Aug 15, 2008 10:37 AM ()


I am so sorry to hear that sweetie...
He knows you are there for him though... trust that!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 15, 2008 7:09 PM ()
you poor thing!!!
A few more days... over the weekend you can spend more time at home with the kitties too, ya know?
Hang in there!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 15, 2008 12:21 PM ()
oh and good luck!!! Only 2 more days to go!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 15, 2008 11:05 AM ()
They are so CUTE!!!
They are a lot of work though - especially puppies!!!
Excited peeing... hmmmm... are you being calm and assertive?
I've been watching to much Ceasar to try to cure my own Cujo, which I haven't been able to, so sadly I have no advice. Have you googled it? There is a TON of info on the web I am sure...
Here's one I found quickly:
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 15, 2008 11:05 AM ()

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