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Sports & Recreation > Running > Running Plan

Running Plan

I'm on the lookout for a new gym anyway. Something a little closer to home. I joined one that is great but a little too far away. It's becoming a drag to get there. Especially now that two of my fav spin teachers are no longer there. I only have one reason to go there and that's for one spin class a week with the most awesome instructor, C.

I went to check out Ballys last night since they are the only gym in the area to have an indoor track... well, calling it a track is a stretch. Sure it's rubberized and goes in a circle around the gym but you have to run it eight times to reach a mile.

So on my short training miles I'll have to run the track 24 times to hit 3 miles. Twenty-four times! I looked at the guy and said I'm either gonna get dizzy or bored on that track. I thanked him and then told his manager, who was sent in to save the sale, that I was disappointed in the track as that was the only reason I was there and then walked out. Their high pressure tactics won't work on me, at least not on my budget.

Especially after they guy made comments about how "dangerous" it is to hike the hills in LA because of snakes, ticks and other wild animals... right, because the ONLY place to workout is in a GYM, inside, around a bunch of sweaty men, did I mention inside? Why would I do that when I live in LA where the weather is fairly nice most of the year?

I currently belong to two gyms and run outside. I would get bored only working out inside a Ballys. Silly, silly man.

So new plan for not running in the dark: run at lunch time. I cleared the plan this morning with my co-worker that shares the phone duties with me. Currently though it's extremely too hot to run at lunch with the temps reaching 100 every day this week.

So I'll be running after work with my friend Mace until the temps even out. I can still get in my 3 miles right before the sun sets and my long runs on Saturday morning now that it's still cool and sunny outside.

Today's plan is to ditch work a little early to get to the park.

posted on Oct 1, 2008 6:11 PM ()


I just looked at your picture gallery. You HAVE lost a lot of weight and I know that was your goal
comment by stiva on Oct 2, 2008 12:07 PM ()
Good luck my friend! Keep on running!
comment by spicybitch on Oct 2, 2008 8:08 AM ()
I had no idea that it was that hot there! Proud of you for making a plan!!!
comment by kissy2008 on Oct 2, 2008 8:02 AM ()
I cannot believe you've been in the hundreds this week! I would die. Or complain. A lot. It's finally cooled off here and the high is 60.
comment by mrsstu on Oct 2, 2008 7:36 AM ()
With fall here, it should get cooler outside, right? This weekend anyway.

I can see how distance and features would be important, especially if one feature (spin class instructor) has gone away. Good luck finding a better/closer one you like.
comment by stiva on Oct 2, 2008 7:28 AM ()
Great plans--I agree! Running around that track would definitely be BORING!
comment by angiedw on Oct 2, 2008 3:34 AM ()
comment by strider333 on Oct 1, 2008 8:48 PM ()
Glad ya bailed on Bally's!
that's too funny - their reasons... as if!
Glad you have a plan worked out, you are so smart!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 1, 2008 6:21 PM ()

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