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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > Relationships > Recap of Val Day and Lil Sis' Visit

Recap of Val Day and Lil Sis' Visit

To say I've been busy would be an understatement. But there's a light at the tunnel, called Friday night. Schwooooo!

I hustled through my work all last week to take Friday the 13th and Presidents' Day off. I needed the short vacation so I wouldn't kill anyone at work.

My lil sis arrived on Thursday and I met up with her that evening and we went to our favorite Thai restaurant, Palms Thai, home of the Thai Elvis. Unfortunately their Elvis Impersonator was on vacation in Thailand and the restaurant just isn't quite the same without him. But the food of course is still magical just the same.

Friday, the three of us, lil sis, Dan and myself went to Disneyland and managed to sit next to someone on the tram that offered to get one of us in for free. Score! We had a blast in the park despite the rain. It actually made for shorter lines to the rides.

We met up for pizza that night with our mutual drummer friend. I skipped drinks after as I was about to fall asleep and did as soon as I got home.

Saturday Jackie and I ran 8 miles in the park and then headed over to lil sis and Dan's fancy hotel for a fancy hotel brunch. It was really yummy and so nice of them to share their vouchers with us.

Lil sis, Dan and I headed off to the train station and went to Union Station and waited for Thom to meet us. While we waited we snapped off a couple photos. Lil sis is going to mail me a CD of the pics. When Thom arrived we walked through Olvera Street and stopped for fish tacos and margaritas. Yum! We then walked through Little Tokyo and Grand Central Market to the next Metro train station.

For Valentine's dinner we decided on Indian food and walked from the Metro station to Electric Lotus in Los Feliz and got an intimate booth and delicious food with a round of Taj-Mahal beers.

Thom and I hoped back on the train to get back to his car and lil sis and Dan to their hotel to head our separate ways. After all it was Valentine's Day Night.

Thom surprised me with roses, an iTunes gift card and 4 mini organic chocolate milks. (the milks are for my after run treats - a great way to quickly refuel and get extra calcium at the same time after a workout).

Sunday we all slept in and later met up with friends to celebrate CK's birthday. CK has been super busy of late and I haven't seen much of her in almost a year. CK was the one I was going on a lot of hikes with last Spring and discovered that I could run on our Easter hike when we ended up racing each other back to the group. Ah, good times. Anyway, we met at the Red Lion Tavern's Biergarten and spent hours hanging out.

Monday, the rain was so heavy in the morning that lis sis, Dan and I ended up just hanging out. When it let up a little, we walked around Hollywood and made fun of the souvenir shops. Lil sis and Dan were staying at the hotel next to the Oscars' new location. The chaos of all the tents and bleachers were interesting to see. I would not want to be anywhere near that place this weekend though.

After dinner on Monday night, lil sis and Dan hugged me good-bye and they headed back to St. Paul. :sniff:sniff:

This week has been a blur, and I'm so happy it's almost the weekend. I'm running with Jackie tomorrow. We might check out the Amgen Bike Tour in Pasadena. Saturday night, Thom and I are going to see Hans play a villain in the Scarlet Pimpernel. And Sunday I'm meeting HW for lunch.

It's gonna be a lovely weekend! ... just 30 minutes to go.

posted on Feb 20, 2009 5:35 PM ()

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