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Sexy Sadie
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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > Relationships > With a Little Luck

With a Little Luck

I got a little luck this morning, for the first time in five years I locked myself out of my apartment on my way to the gym. The lucky part, you ask? I walked over to Hans' girlfriend's place to see if he was there and he was just leaving for work at the same time I walked up. Hans has keys to my place so he can take care of Sarge & Rigby. So he drove me home and got me back into my apartment.

I thanked him again for helping me out and for the comp tickets to his show. We laughed because the play is rather silly. Hans enjoys it anyway as it's a great distraction from his high pressure corporate job.

If Hans wasn't around I would have had to ask the building manager who would have charged me $25 for "after-hours" locksmith services.

I'm sorta dreading this weekend. My childhood friend is coming to visit LA. When she first asked me about it, she was planning to run the LA Marathon with her friend D. After buying the ticket the LA Marathon moved the date twice. So she's now coming by herself to spend all of her time with me. Shudder.

She and I were thick as thieves from the age of 4 till 16 when she became born again and told me that I was going to hell for being catholic. Gee, now I'm an agnostic who sins about every weekend by having sex with my BF... I wonder if that topic will come up. Eeek

She told me that she's changed and that having three boys, one with downs syndrome, has opened her eyes that good people come in all walks of life. One example is the ladies of her church, the good christian women that they are, won't hold her downs syndrome son. Not even when he was a small little happy baby. Oh, and to top that, my friend is the preacher's wife. grumble, grumble ... and they call themselves christians!

At least Saturday will be good, as she's agreed to hang at the beach - which she desperately wants to do - while I do a 12 mile training run. My friend Jackie might join us. Jackie knows how much I'm dreading this visit. As does Thom who keeps telling me that it'll be fine even though he's sad we won't get to spend our usual Saturday night together. One of our friend's is having a birthday party and I might drag my childhood friend along so I can spend a little time with Thom over the weekend.

Even though she says she's changed and that she has a bigger view of the world, I'm still dreading a whole weekend with a right wing conservative.

With a little luck, it'll be okay.

posted on Feb 23, 2009 11:26 AM ()

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