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Can't Buy Me Love

Health & Fitness > I Ran a 10k!

I Ran a 10k!

It was one of the most amazing weekends of my life! I mean it was incredible.

First off, TBD was such an integral force in my amazing weekend. He pampered me and took care of me so well. I arrived at his place after work on Friday and dined on Baked Zitti, garlic bread and a little red wine. He also made breakfast and lunch for me on Saturday, rubbed my sore shoulders, and kept me hydrated.

We picked up E on our way to the La Brea Tar Pits for our first Charity 10K. TBD took care of us the whole time, grabbing Clif bars, taking pictures, holding our bags and getting some free Smart Water for us at the finish line. He was there the whole time cheering us on. I told him a million times how much I appreciated him being there.

The race itself was so much fun. People in costume, in tutus, in mens briefs, in bras on top of t-shirts, in wrestling masks, you name it and people were running dressed in it. LOL I myself opted for my new swim boy shorts. Next time, and I really think there will be a next time, I will go all out. It was for a good cause and it was a wonderful time. My friend Hans came out to support me and his girl M was all ready to sign up for next year if it meant she could walk the 5K in costume. They could only be there for the start but it was great having them there too. Hans even dropped his shorts for the cause. LOL

E and I ran most of the 6.2 miles with a couple walk breaks to catch our breath as it was a little hot, she's been smoking again and I'm still recovering from that nasty chest cold the weekend before. Despite all that, I felt strong, beautiful and powerful the whole time. The beginning of the race was crackin' us up being passed by girls and guys in tutus.

I pep talked E into getting through the race. Ah, youth, she had partied the night before, did Tai Chi in the morning, swam in the pool and hung out in the sun that afternoon. She was tired, to say the least. Did I mention that the run was at 6pm?

But we ran the last mile and crossed the finish line in One Hour and Three Minutes. We were both shocked by our time and that was the best part. Okay, crossing the finish line itself was AWESOME!

Plus there were free drinks at the afterparty. Each of us had our 2 free Heineken Lites. Yum! I haven't felt that good in a long time. Having just completed a 10K - running 95% of it - and having the beer go straight into my blood stream caused the most happy sensation to overtake me. I was the most relaxed, the most content, the most happy I've been in a long time.

Not to mention having TBD there beaming at me the whole time. It really was an incredible weekend!

It was called the Underwear Affair and the money raised goes to the City of Hope to support care and research of cancers Below the Waist. I raised $1,551 for the cause!

The whole thing was simply amazing.

posted on Aug 6, 2008 9:10 PM ()


Seriously, I have chills reading this - in addition to tears in my eyes! I'm SO F*CKING HAPPY FOR YOU it's insane. You are BEAMING in this post and I can only imagine what you, yourself feel like. You are a f*cking rock star and I'm SO HONORED that you shared this with us!
comment by mrsstu on Aug 7, 2008 8:43 AM ()
I am so incredibly proud of you. I love the pictures. You really are living the dream girl!!!
comment by kissy2008 on Aug 7, 2008 8:16 AM ()
Good for you!! I ran a 10K a couple of years ago and discovered I shouldn't have worn such thick socks with those shoes...owwww. One big toe nail turned black. From your photo, looks like you finished strong.
comment by looserobes on Aug 7, 2008 7:43 AM ()
OMG!!! That is soooo much money!! I raise about $500 for the Farm Sanctuary and I am always happy about that. Good for you!!!

Sounds like you had fun. I can't fathom that. Fun running a marathon. haha Well I take that back - if I could do it I am sure I Would be soooo proud of myself that I would call it fun.
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 7, 2008 5:47 AM ()

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