So I had more than a chest cold over the weekend and have been on all kinds of meds and herbal remedies to recover as quickly as possible for my 10K... this Saturday!
I'm so freakin' excited about this 10K that I've been training for, for the last four months. And now it's here and my lungs are weak and tired. The timing is terrible but I think I can still do this and survive.
I'm estimating my health at about 90% this morning. I feel so much better than I did over the weekend. SO MUCH BETTER.
I'm really jazzed for Saturday and so much so that I woke up at 3am and packed my running clothes. I'm gonna carbo load with TBD on Friday and he's driving me to the event. Did I mention that it's called the "Underwear Affair"? It's a charity run for Cancers Below the Waist and everyone is encouraged to run in costume and/or their underwear. I'm thinking about wearing my bright pink & black paisley swim shorts and a black tank. I just hope no one takes a picture of the cellulite on my upper thighs! LOL
And the good and bad news of my illness this past week, I broke my weight loss plateau. I've been a constant 135 for about three months now and I lost almost 5 pounds. Eeeek! I'm sure I'll put a couple back on when I'm healthy again. It's definitely not an ideal way to lose the weight. Maybe being lighter will help me run farther though. Heeeheee, wishful thinking, huh? *wink
Please think good and healthy thoughts for me on Saturday!